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jason j

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Image Comments posted by jason j


    I love how the barrell fits the frame on the right side of the photo and the way that the winemaker faces the camera with a glass of wine in his hand, but would crop out the distracting shapes on the left more, keeping the diagonal on the floor. Still, a wonderful profile shot.

    I'm Lost

    I like this photo. The model has an unusual but attractive heart-shaped face, and you cropped the photo nice and tight. However, what makes this picture most intriguing to me are all the "loops" on her body, including her dress straps, finger rings, neck choker, and necklace. Meanwhile her hands look as if they might be about to rip this stuff off her. Looking up increases this sense of constraint. My only criticism would be that the model's face looks awfully white. Could you tell us what you wanted to accomplish or communicate with this photo?

    Ratu Rautaharju

    A lovely portrait. Like how you blurred the background and downplayed the couch. The dress seems to echo the texture of her hair and the way that the shadow from the blinds falls across her chest makes this look like a scene from an old Bogart film. Congratulations.


    Mucho gusto. Bueno photo. I like the frame, the blur, the narrow range of color. Altogether the photo seems to be making a commentary on how we have become faceless beings slowly descending on mechanical devices over which we have no control. I would like to see such a photo hanging in an office. It also reminds of Charlie Chapin's movie Modern Times. A photo with a real message. Bravo!
  1. You picked a wonderful time to take this shot. I like how you minimized the tourists. What was the aperture and other exposure details for this photo? I am asking because the image looks a little soft, but that may be my monitor. Overall, I think this is an original shot of an frequently photographed palace.
  2. What a wonderful cityscape. An interesting composition, you put the focal building in the middle, but I think that it work in this photograph. The picture makes me wonder what the designers were thinking. What is the relationship between form and function?


    Coloring makes this shot look a little like a lunar landscape. Wonderful timing. I like how the horses seem to be checking out the oncoming storm.

    Restricted format

    This photo is saying something, but I am not sure what. I like the composition. Reminds me of a New Year's Eve photo by Wegee of a short man drinking a beer while dressed like the baby new year.


    I like the setting. I like the pose. I like the model. I wish the sky had more color. Picture hints at a story of ruins, not just of buildings but of a life.

    Wedding Candid

    Newlyweds heading down the road together. Great idea, but why did you pick this composition? the line on the read seems rather beat-up and the groom is one the wrong side of the road (destined for a head-on collision). Still, these are minor quibbles, and I like the colors. What would it look like from the front?
  3. Love the shapes and spaces in this composition. The sun in the back, the hill shaped like a woman's breast in the middle, and the triangle with a human figure in the front upper right hand corner make this an awesome photograph. The human figure gives a fantastic sense of scale.


    Me too. I like how you have the face sharp and fade into a blurry background, but the background is still too distracting. Could you try the same shot with an all white background? Put down some all white towel, a bedsheet, or the like. Also don't expect too many comments, this photo may not be "artsy enough." Finally, why is it in the Sports critique forum?


    I like the composition, but wonder why the photo doesn't pop more. Try using levels in photoshop or adjusting the contrast. Her skin should glow more, but not be plastic. A reflector might add some highlights to her hair. You have a beautiful model and the flower contrast nicely with her dark colors and blue eyes. Hopefully, more experienced photographers will give you better feedback. Good luck.
  4. I like how the ladder, heart, windows, and other things make this photo fun to look at. That door looks ominous, like someone will walk out and land on the overhang. Gotta love red!

    Working It

    Good shot of a strong black women. Looks like a celebration of her fitness efforts. This good also be a good stock photo for ad campaigns designed to get people into the gym. I like her expression, but her biceps have uneven coloring.
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