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jason j

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Image Comments posted by jason j


    I like the blue background and table with net in the foreground, but find the man's legs distracting. I would like the table to be higher or shorts to be longer.


    I like how you used the rope to frame this female fighter. Her eyes need more light in them and her face looks like it may have some digital artifacts, but that could be my monitor. I will checkout your portfolio for other such shots.


    Don't mind the colors myself, and the perspective is interesting, but odd. Are these two players with foot next to each other or is the viewer located in the players crotch? What is the message or feeling you wish to convey or provoke?
  1. My family has many vets who fought in wars not of their choosing. Some of which they and I agreed with, some of which we did not. Rather than judge the crew or feel respectful and grateful, these kill markings just made me wonder. My goal was to make people think, without necessarily telling them what to think. Thanks for your comments.

    Jump Ball


    I like how the boys seem to be at the apex of their jump and a

    teammate is jumping too, while another boy is intently focused on the

    ball with a midly interested parent in the background. I think

    captures the spirit of youth sports in early 21st century America.

    milking cow

    I agree the photo could be a little sharper and perhaps simpler in composition, but this really is a close-up of the interface between humans and nature. As for eating meat, there are many ways to ingest protein.

    mother and child

    I agree with the photographer. It may not be high-key, but the removal of color while keeping the shadows makes this an interesting photograph. I like how the eyes capture my attention. By the way, your portfolio is interestingly exotic, quite unlike what I see in the USA. Thank you for sharing.


    Good shot. Like how the pillars and outfit convey notions of tradition, while the contrast between the pillar's straight colorless height contrast nicely with the man's rotund colorful shortness. He looks like he is waiting for something or someone.


    My favorite shot. I like how she seems so natural in her bare feet, facial expression, and setting. Nice timing, way to snap just as she puts her foot down. This shot really makes the model communicate directly with the viewer. Thanks.

    Makel 53

    I agree with Makel. The colors of the clothes and the scenery are too alike. The horizon also looks slanted and cuts the frame in half. However, I do like how you have them positioned, if only they filled the frame more. What is the message you want to communicate with the photo?
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