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jason j

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Image Comments posted by jason j

  1. I like how the light was removed, but don't understand what was wrong with the arms. I think this is a wonderful photo of a full-figured bride. Reminds me of those new Dove soap commercials.

    Mirror Mirror

    Hope the bride treasures this shot. I like how she looks in the mirror. Could you crop more from the right side of the mirror or would that make the photo to irregular?

    My Cousin

    I like the story this photo tells, but I think you need a better title. Hope I look as good when I am her age, although I don't look as good as her now ;)


    I agree with Edward, and I need to learn the same things myself, but at least you took the shot. If you had done all the things Edward suggested, this would have been a great shot, so please take heart that you at least pulled the trigger at the right time. And Edward, feel free to critique me anytime. This is the kind of detailed criticism that really helps.

    I Do Hairdoo

    Inspirational. The bridesmaids working on each other. This would really be great if they were all tending to the bride, and you could see everyone's face in a candid sort of way. Definately an idea to use in the future. By the way, the setting also really contributes to this shot.
  2. Hey Lavern, you had a great chance here. This is a huge plane, so I don't mind the clipped wings, but I wish you had blurred the distracting background, and had also included a human figure or something so viewers could get a sense of its size. This photo is rather documentary. It says this is a C-130 Hercules. Could you give us more of your perspective or message, like you do in your bio?


    Take a look at my shot of part of a WWII plane to see my attempt. Please don't be offended by the title question. My uncle was a Marine. We named our son after him. I attended a Quaker peacenick school, but I also taught for a year at the Culver Military Academy in the 1980's, when they were seriously JROTC.


    Anyway, now you have the expert opinion of an amateur photographer. Good Luck.

    The fan

    This is a nice shot, with lots of potential. (I'm a teacher too, so I always focus on potential.) I like the lines and texture of the fan shaped leaf. The buterfly could be sharper, but its semi-circle shape contrast nicely with the lines. OK, now for some advice from another beginner. Next time, Make the backgound behind the leaf blurrier by using a larger aperature. bracket so that you have a range of exposures to choose from. Also treak the contrast and sharpness in Photoshop or some other photo editor. Still, you at least recognized a potentially great shot and took it. By the way beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if you like it that is all that matters.


    Nice head on shot, but the faces look a little distorted. Did you use a telephoto or crop after capture? The adult in the background is a little distracting. Lovely angle.


    Love how the long torso of the women contrast with the long shot of the street. Each one draws our eyes to their ends. Nice eye.

    Blue Eyes

    I like the composition. Good DoF. The angle of the rose compliments the angle of the tree. Her face looks a little too white to me. Is there anyway to make her skin look a little more tan and her hair a little more blonde?
  3. I like this photo. The diagonal lines on the curtain add dynamism to the shot, and the woman looks so serenely focused on painting the deity's hand, but what is that green thing behind her? Please crop it out. It is too dark for scene.

    Try Harder

    OK, since you said please. This is a great shot that makes me wonder if you were hanging upside down as well. The rock is sharp and well lit. The climber should be more in focus, and I would like to see the concentration on his or her face. I like how the shirt hanging down proves that you didn't just flip this picture over. Also, where are the safety ropes in case he or she slips?
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