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jason j

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Image Comments posted by jason j


    My favorite of your photos so far. Like how her hair conveys movement, the shape of her hair and body, and the intensity of her eyes. Well done.

    Kitchen Karma

    I made up the term "functional art." This is a relative's house and she has a knack for organizing her family's home in ways that are practical and pretty, in other words: "functional art." I guess modern architecture is the epitome.


    Well done. Just enough shadow. Just enough detail. Particularly like the mike in his back pocket. I also like how you left the light sources in the top. this might make an interesting poster or album cover.

    Armadillo vs Koi

    Thanks for your comments on my Under the Golden Gate photo. They were quite helpful. In this photo, I like how the colors of the fish contrast with the armadillo. They look like they might be having a conversation. Is there anyway to bring out the colors in the rock?
  1. Interesting idea. Raises questions about what nude photo means when the model's face is and is not included in the frame. Is she an object or a subject? I also like that you photographed a full-figured curvaceous model rather than a stick figure, who seems comfortable with her voluptousness. However, I'm not sure what is added be having her pinch her nipples. Good imagination though.

    Dress up party

    Sepia does not seem to be flattering in this photo. Do you have a more colorful copy as well? If you crop to just the girls and put some color in their faces, this might work better. I have a daughter about this age, so I know that this photo means more than the compostion and coloring. If you like it, that is all that matters.


    I like how the water arcs down her back, the way she is position in the valley of the larger water plumes, and the sturdy shapes underneath her. Good shot.
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