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jason j

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Image Comments posted by jason j


    You frame her face with her hair quite nicely, but I would also like to see an outline of her nose. However, her eyes and lips glow. Why whiteout her face?


    A very pretty photo; her eyes and curves make her look sexy, but her youth and freckles make her look innocent. A photo that sends mixed messages. Reminds of Lolita. What was your intention?

    Jerom city Arizona


    What a great scene. Could you have moved to your left and gotten closer to shoot along the row of bikes. This shot seems too far away for maximum impact. Good eye for seeing this in the first place.



    Perhaps you could crop closer to the top of her head, so her eyes are one-third of the way down? She also seems rather expressionless. However, you did a wonderful job on all the colors. Her skin tones look natural, black is black, white is white, and the background is blurred nicely.


    I like this shot, but wish I could see her face a little more and that he was reciprocating or at least responding to her more. The white area behind their heads looks washed out, but what do I know? I like the tilt and the way that you capture the tonal range from the white dress to the black tux.

    Linda II

    Wonderful tones, especially the skin tones, but I also like how the background compliments her eyelashes and bra strap. I usually say something negative, but I really don't see anything that could be improved on this photograph. I really like her expression as well. A tasteful and evocative photo of a beautiful face.


    This is my favorite shot of this model. I like the tonal range and how you use the light. Simple, sensual, and contemplative photograph. Welcome to Photo.net.
  1. I like the perspective, a mouse view, but I would like to see less of the floor and more of the gong. Having never been to Asia, I find this photo interesting and exotic. Could you say more about where they are and what they are doing? I also like the contrast between old and new. Thanks for sharing.


    WOW! This photo jumped off the screen at me. Look the composition: her face, her eyes, her makeup, and the body suit -- sensual without revealing too much.

    Men in Hats

    I like how the men parallel each other right down to the watches. I also like the green background and colorful clothing. However, what really makes this photo is the connection between the men. Nice.



    What does this say? I was trying to say something about the invisible

    connections linking people, especially between parents and children.


    Your best shot so far IMHO. The slanted light makes this photo more dynamic. Have you tried cropping it so the light comes out of the corner of the frame?

    It's Coming

    I think a comet or asteroid is about to hit a planet. Nice attempt. I like the negative space, but think the streak needs to enter at a steeper angle to make the photo more dynamic. There also seems to be an artifact on the lower portion of the sphere. This photo shows that you have an active imagination. Good.

    My Future

    Thanks for the feedback, but the photo is intentionally ambiguous. The child and the graveyard represent whatever the viewer wants them to represent, but I think of both as my future. I will die leaving only my children and creations. I used a tripod for this shot, but the cemetery is on a hill, so that slant is natural. The blue sky and mix of fall trees and evergreens is also meant to show permanence of live in general mixed with the decline of individual lives.


    This is my favorite shot of Anna-Maria. I like how her hair cascades down her shoulders and frames her face. However, her outfit does not seem to be complimenting her figure. Cropping this shot higher might be an improvement.
  2. I love taking pictures of people taking pictures, so I like this shot, but I wish that you had been able to fill the frame with the people just a little more; although that thing that looks like a plastic cloud over their heads has got to stay in the frame. Otherwise, nice balance between the hardscape and sky.
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