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Posts posted by tony_black1

  1. Hi everybody,


    I will shoot some fashion shows from as far as possible(distance wise) to get

    everything(models, viewers, photographers at the end of the catwalk etc) in the



    I was wondering which could be the best combination to get best results in

    terms of sharpness.


    I have to shoot 800asa with RZ since the 50mm lens is quite slow. I will be

    shooting at wide open with both cameras at 1/250sec to freeze the models walk.


    And I would blow up the pics as much as I can. So what you guys think would be

    the best?

  2. Which combination will give me better results?


    I will be shooting fashion shows from far away and would like to get the models

    on the runway as sharp as possible?


    I will blow up the pics as much as I can. What do you think?


    Contax 645 w 45mm f2.8 400asa film VERSUS Mamiya RZ 67 w/50mm f4.5 800asa film


    I will be shooting wide open at 1/250sec to freeze the models walk.

  3. I sent an email to westcoastimaging to ask which scanner performs better and

    the answer was,


    'We like the Tango for all positive film regardless of size. For negatives

    we're seeing more things that we like about the Creo scans, mainly that the

    Creo doesn't emphasize the grain nearly as much as the Tango, especially in the

    shadow areas.'


    Just an information for you guys.

  4. thank you very much for the information. it helped me a lot. i didnt have any knowledge about these pro flatbed scanners. they are absolutely in a different league. what i ve seen in the comparison link is very helpful. a quick look showed me lanovia and scitex supreme is incredible. id idnt see any imacons compared next to them but i will take a good look one more time.


    one last thing, if you guys have to put them from the top to the bottom, can you give me a comparison list from your views and experiences.i mean like







  5. Do you guys have any sample cost form I can use as an example which shows the

    fees, rental equipment, travel&hotels, insurance, usage of the photos and etc.

    I have to submit a cost on Monday.


    I will appreciate your time and thanks in advance.

  6. I have been asked by an advertising company in London which works for cosmetic

    company to shoot backstage images of a show in Paris which the cosmetic company

    supplying the makeup materials.


    They will use unlimited number of visuals from backstage for

    PR, Editorial, Internet, look book / leaflet

    Worldwide, excluding China & Japan & North America

    1 year.


    Its a big company and i have no clue what should i charge including all my



    Thanks very much in advance.

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