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Image Comments posted by asimh

    just cat

    i like the dof and composition here, but the lighting is a bit too soft i think. i am not too keen on the olive for the border either - i am guessing you sampled some of the head? actually, the green from the eyes would have worked better IMHO. was this shot at f1.0? how do you like your lens?
  1. doesn't everyone regardless of their religion eventually vanish? as far as the pic goes, i am seeing lots of bluish artifact, esp. on the edges of the star. the scene through the rock is distracting - it would have been better OOF. sorry, but the connection of your religious/political statement does not mesh with the picture for me.

    Uncle Moon

    i would crop out the houses in the foreground leaving just the skyline/moon/sky for i find them distracting, especially the lamp light falling on the roof. Also, please resize the pic as per submission guidelines.


    wow, this is quite intricate and appealing. i would perhaps have taken this stopped down a bit more (you dont list your equipment used) to get the glass at the very bottom in crisper focus.

    Lady in Clay

    suman, you are right that more details were lost. it was a 2 minute job ;) by a PS beginner. i guess you could dodge some areas on the body to recover the details. i liked the dark sky so i was going more for silhouette than full details.

    The Orange Tuba

    i am not so sure i like the mixing of sepia with a reddish/orange tone (to me they kinda clash). i think perhaps leaving everything in b&w and having only the trumpet in red would have been more striking.
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