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Image Comments posted by asimh

  1. i like your subject here - i forget what this type of architecture is called. is the original a tad soft to you or am i seeing some compression artifact? i think this shot could also work well as a b/w due to the light/dark tones.
  2. As always, your comments are welcomed. I kept the exposure of the

    ceiling purposefully dark so as to not blow out the sky. i hope the

    difference in tones adds a bit more of a "mystery". Thanks for

    stopping by!

    Down and Dirty

    on further viewing, i'd like to see the saturation cranked up just a tad. the steer's coat to me needs to be a bit brighter. that would give a bit more contrast to the mud that is in front of the body of the steer. of course, this could just be my LCD monitor ;)
  3. very "elegant" shot. i like how you have blues extending down in the midst of the brown background of the building, with the browns of the building rising into the blue of the sky. definitely like the color symmetry. I'd be curious to see how this would look with even less DOF.
  4. this is a dying breed of images, at least in the US. it seems with the new planned ban on subway/underground photography, we'll only have these past pics to look at. I like your b/w toning here. normally i prefer more contrast, but your presentation works well.


    i like this version better b/c of the diagonals, it seems dynamic whereas in the other one, things are still. i think the silvery color also makes things more transient.
  5. ian just took the words outta my mouth...this is a great moment to capture! i think b/w or duotone would look great here. if you don't mind me playing simply with this, how does this look?




    I know the focus is a tad soft b/c if memory serves, i either shot

    this wide open at f1.8 or f2 with the 50 1.8II lens which is soft at

    those ends. this was not a posed shot, but a natural capture whilst

    sitting across the table eating brunch after a wedding.

  6. actually the subject's hands are floating horizontally. i had forgotten my flash at home so had to use the oncamera flash. i'm sure with everything going around me, i probably didnt use a fast enough shutter, i probably shook the camera some, and no doubt my cousing moved her hands a tad from holding them freefloating in the air. i thought the vertical orientation would give a bit more dynamic/restless feel to the shot. thanks for your comments.

    - asim

    lonely tree

    very dramatic shot. i like how the tractor treadmarks (?) lead you right up to the subject. very good use of compositional techniques! i see you used a megazoom to take this shot. too bad many of the naysayers to such lenses won't see this shot.
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