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Image Comments posted by asimh


    Asia is not a place where i would be willing to stand in the middle of the road to take a picture! *laugh* given your positional constraints, this shot works very well! out of curiousity, did you shoot this wide open at f2.8?


    good shot! it's too bad the girl's right arm which is holding the ice cream is cropped too tightly, but other than that, good capture of the moment. also, please resize accordingly to PN guidelines.


    very creative shot. i like the "graininess" of the image. only thing i might suggest is to not crop that top white thing on the frame around the fly so closely - in fact it looks like you might have cut off a bit of it up top - as well as the fingers on the right hand on the bottom.


    good cloud capture. the colors of the cloud and sky are good, though i think the image to my eyes seems a bit unsaturated in terms of color, especially the "pale" grass below. but that could be my uncalibrated monitor.
  1. i really like the lighting and the subject here. only thing i might suggest is to have less DOF, thus allowing the green leaves in the background to be more blurred thus giving emphasis to the flowers. idk with your camera if aperture settings were available.


    good shot of capturing the subject here. the fence makes for a good background here, especially with the DOF you were using. i think the only thing i would suggest to improve the shot (which unfortunately can't be done in PS) was to either have taken the shot without the person in the background or taken it more from an angle (say off axis 45 degrees left of the subject's nose) thus effectively putting the other person behind the tree. however, idk if the fence would have looked as good then. good shot!


    you have the setting for a good shot - kinda amusing how the animal is "posing" for you. the lighting in this situation seems quite difficult to work around, causing the image's highlights to be blown out - perhaps using an ND filter in such bright conditions might have helped some. also, cropping some of the blank space on the left would move your subject from dead center closer to the side, thus more aesthetically pleasing via the rule of thirds (which you may chose to not ignore, YMMV). i think the lighting was better in your other posted pic. good luck! also, please resize as per PN posting guidelines.
  2. i like the figures, especially the one that is shut out in the back as well as the bald guy's smirky look. however, i dont like the creamish colored wall on the left side - i would make that b/w also, for i find it distracting (e.g., the wooden panel going outta the guy's head), especially compared to the nice stone/brick.

    Follow the rover


    hi becky, the orange caution flags are mandatory in some parks to "show" where the trucks are so the lil 4 wheelers and motorcyclists just dont run smack into them on a trail. this was in St. Joe park (1.5 hour drive) near St. Louis, MO. i wish there was a bit more vegetation/items in the foreground.


    are you into off-roading also?

    Keeping watch...

    i like the silhouettes of the birds, especially since they are at various non-symmetric positions. perhaps including a bit more of that bottom branch and its attachment to the trunk might make it more "unified". on an aside, idk if you noticed, but your image is not centered within the frame. good shot.
  3. i think the colors are fine here - in fact you could up the saturation a bit more in PS. looks like a beautiful place to just sit and just dangle your legs in the water. as far as compositional elements, i think you need something more as a center of attention. perhaps if you had included more of that rock below, that might have sufficed. i like the inclusion of the tree - contrasts with the water. perhaps even more of it might be more effective.
  4. TC,

    i like the juxtaposition b/w the two toning techniques (though the one on the left might be the original). i actually prefer the one on the right - there's a bit more drama one this one. the only thing i might suggest is that for a dual shot/intent photo like this is to use a tripod and have the exact same physical setting in the viewfinder. here, the image on the right seems a bit tilted as compared to the one on the left. but, that is no biggie. in fact, that might be why i like the one on the right more - with the lean, it looks more dynamic, whereas the one on the left looks more rigid and upright. hopefully, that makes sense. good job!

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