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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

    The end

    The composition is good here, but IMO the course heavy handed and obvious use of the Tobacco split ND does not make for a quality photo. The top and bottom of this shot have vastly different color ranges and the dividing line is quite obvious.

    Magic Light

    Good composition, but the ND filter is overused here and the line it creates is obvious. The forground tones are good, but IMO the sky is overly dark and out of place. A 2 stop soft ND filter would have worked much better.

    Cracked Mud


    I like the composition of this image a great deal.

    But IMO the overall tonality and color is a little flat. A slight curves adjustment in your image editing program would result in a brighter image. Of course you might like it with the pastel colors it currently has.


    Maroon Bell's Color

    There's nothing wrong with shooting cliches, when very well done they produce classic images. But I think I have to agree with Trevor that this is just an average shot at this spot. The sky is clear, the light is a tad on the harsh side and the reflection is choppy. An okay image, but not a classic one.

    Wood pecker.


    A lovely composition with great use of selective focus. The only small improvement I might suggest is reworking the levels in or dodging the eye area to improve his 'look'. Well done.


    Arctic Dance


    Very nice shot with great shadow detail and a sense of motion. The composition of course as well as the timing imparts that sense.

    The only small flaw I see is the almost mountain in the background. Blurring the blue background to reduce the mountain to an unrecognizable colored form or cloning it out might be a worthwhile improvement. Overall though very well done.

    ThePier ...

    A very nice reflection shot with marvelous tonalities. But I think if you had zoomed out or backed up a tad and not clipped the top of the tallest mast it would have been even better. A little breathing room is usually desirable in a shot like this.

    Convict Lake II

    While the light and tone makes this a good shot, IMO it would be even better with a little more breathing room on top & bottom. I would have backed up a tad or zoomed out a bit.
  1. Lovely photo of this little guy.

    I've never seen this species in Wyoming.

    The shot appears just a tad soft. I gather it's just some artifacts from the jpeg being highly compressed as the flash speed should have frozen the movement.

  2. I don't like the blue tint. Color casts are usually on images like this because the creator has not learned how to remove them. The cast removal and levels or curves adjustment to snap the contrast are definite improvements to what was a good image to start. Almost any image has some flaws in it. The purpose of a critique is to find whats good and what could use improvement. Thus we learn, improve the image and our photographic skills are honed. Good critique Marc.
  3. IMO the color is way over the top here.

    Even Velvia with a polarizer underexposed 1/2 f-stop is not this hot. I feel this would be much improved and far more believable with the saturation turned down a bit.

  4. Provia 100F is RMS grain factor 8 as opposed to 9 for Velvia. Smaller is better. But Velvia grain is triangular in shape and has hard edges. It makes for a obvious granularity in the skies of scans. At 645 or 6x7 this is less of a problem. Provia has softer less contrasty grain. Bottom line Provia 100F was designed to scan. In fact Fuji has shown a Provia 50F that's even better. The rise of the digital SLR may or may not scrub it's release.


    You can add a warming filter like an 81A or 81B or warm the image in Photoshop. Nic sells a PS plug in filter package for about $70 or a new company has a $49 toolkit called colorkit which can be downloaded for a free trial.


    See http://www.pixelgenius.com/photokit/


    If you shoot for stock you've got to use real filters & make the slide the final product. If not the plug ins work great.


    I used the Nik polarizer in PS on this shot.

    See http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=1077411

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