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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

    October Rainbow


    Atle, I feel this is an image with good compostion but the exposure or scan is lacking.

    It is flat in tone and the right side with the rainbow is slightly overexposed.


    I reset the levels in Photoshop, and burned the area from the Rainbow to the right edge slightly to create what IMO is an improved version.

    See what you think.

  1. Fred if you're happy with it as it sits that's good.


    But if you try it slightly off center and in a direct A/B you like it better resubmit as a second image and see what everyone else thinks.


    I go through 2 or 3 iterations on most of my images. I ask my wife for input and tweek some.

    By the time you see it here or I put it up for sale it's generally in it's 3d incarnation. I feel images are works in progress.


    Ansel Adams most famous image is Moonrise at Hernandez. He had a lousy negative to work with and struggled with it for 6 months before he got it to the point you see in print. I guess at times he felt it would never get there.


    Today some people think you produce great images by pointing and shooting. I believe this is rarely true. A great image can have a very long gestation period indeed! :-)



    You have some interesting light in the forground here, but the image falls flat after that.


    The mountains in the midground are dark and dreary.


    The top cloud is interesting, but the other clouds don't visually flow to it and are somewhat blown out.

  2. A very nice and original version of this shot!


    I think the 2 f-stop filter would have worked better slightly darkening the forground as it would appear to the eye. All reflections appear darker by 1/2 to 1 f-stop than the original.


    This slightly darker version would give a better visual flow between the lower and upper half of the image. A slight warming of the forground would also remove the blue cast always seen on film in the shade.

  3. I like this image, but I think the sky is blocking up a little because you used a direct reduction to greyscale. It would be possible to use the PS channel mixer command and control the tone in the sky better. It reduces the R,G, and B channel seperately and let's you control the things better.
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