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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

    From my garden

    The form of the leaf is pleasing. The colors and tone are pleasing, but the out of focus section in the upper left detracts from the overall photo IMO. You need to shoot this stoped down further to get a greater depth of field.
  1. A nice image Fritz. But between the 100VS and the polarizer I find the contrast is a bit higher than optimum. It should be possible to lower this in Photoshop with a curves adjstment. I feel the shot would be even better with a softer tonal transition. But, if you like it this snappy keep it where you've got it!
  2. I hate to raise a voice to the contrary here. You have some great night shots in this folder, but this is not one of them. I've looked at it carefully but to me the large dark area in the middle/lower right adds nothing to the photo. It is flat in tone and doesn't have a hint of interesting light that leads one to the rest of the composition. I might just be a voice in the dark however. :)

    Jamaica Sunset

    As sunset shots go, this is only a limited success. The overall palette of colors is very limited by the high contrast. The point of view is straight on with no interesting deviation in the compostion.
  3. A very nice image! But there does appear to be some blocking up or granularity in dark portions of the clouds. This could be a JPEG artifact or the image breaking up do to excessive 8 bit channel processing in Photoshop. Reworking it in 16 bit channels mode would solve this problem and improve the tonality in these areas.
  4. No polarizer was used to change the reflection.

    If you look closely there is a hint of the clouds in the water. The only changes made in Photoshop were color corection and a levels change to set the white and black points. The light was what it was, quite amazing. I left my medium format camera in the car unfortunately!



    Very nice color and tones, but the horizon is tilted. This is easily fixed in Photoshop.


    And a little recropping is IMO needed.

  5. The left side of the image has powerful light and composition, but the right side of the image is fairly dead. Recroped as above it becomes a powerful image with every part in harmony and strong point of focus.

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