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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

  1. I feel this is the best image in your November folio.

    The warm colors in the forground grab the eye and lead it to the shaft of light coming from the left. The blues in the sky provide color harmnony and balance the palette of the image. IMO burning the horizon area a bit would better balance the tones and make the image better overall.

    Well done!



    I feel this is the best landscape image in your Hawaii portfolio. The forground anchors the eye and leads it to the shore. The sweep of the shore and the light on the cliff continues the visual flow towards the lovely sky. Well done!
  2. This is a fine composition. The colors are raised way beyond the relm of Velvia and indeed resemble a Walt Disney cartoon. They detract from the wonderful composition. Is every one on PN now so color blind we think this is 'normal'? Included is the same scene rendered in a platinum type B&W tone. I for one think it is lovely. Perhaps others do as well.

  3. A good but not exceptional photo. The color and tone are nicely pastel but the composition is somewhat lacking. To me the forground and the tree on the right border are chopped off too suddenly and the pyramid on the left is distracting.

    trestle 3

    A very good minimalist abstract composition. IMO though I think it would have a bit stringer still if the top point of the trestle had rested on the top of the frame or had been a little bit inside it.



    I love the color and texture of this shot. The flowers reproductive organs have almost been reduced to an abstract image. If it were my image I might recrop it to tighten the composition a bit.




    Thought not as flashy as some of the super warm shots in your portfolio, I feel this is my favorite.

    Composition is superb, tonality and flow of light is wonderful. Well done.

  4. Re: Doug's comment. While this image as seen here could certainly use a smidgen of dodging and burning to fine tune it, I stand by my claim that this is an exceptional shot of this location. I've seen over 30 images taken here. Two of which were taken by icons of american landscape photography who shall remain nameless. This has the best overall lighting and composition of them all. A properly tweeked 24x30 print should be exceptional. If anyone can link us to a better one anywhere, I for one would love to see it.
  5. I like the color version of this shot way better than the B&W. Very fine indeed. I agree with Marc that color improves the perspective and the seperation of detail. But I do like the overall lighting and composition of Noman's shot even more.


    This is certainly a fine shot and one to be proud of though! :-)

  6. I agree with Marc's comment on the composition regarding a slight crop to the left side of the image. With this crop the eye would be more closely focused and I'd give it a very good rather than a good for aesthetics. The color harmonies here are wonderful. I think a black border would make it easier to see the tonalities against this dreaded white PN background.
  7. This is a nice composition. It does appear a little oversharpened though. The F707 tends to oversharpen images if the sharpness setting is left to the deafult setting of 0. Setting it to -1 minimizes this problem.

    Touch the sky

    I think Seven's macro work is exceptionally good. But IMO this is little more than an average landscape shot of two gulls hovering over a dune. The lighting, tone and composition just appear average to me.



    I feel this is a good landscape shot, which with a little work could be a very good one.


    The most obvious thing to improve is the cyan cast which exists, especially in the shade. The Photoshop color rebalance command could be used to fix that. The D60 auto white balance can and will be fooled by shots with both shade and open light areas. The second is the recrop Marc suggest. This would improve the flow and overall composition.

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