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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

    Sky high

    I agree with Marc sepia or even platinum toning is more appropriate for a western theme. I should know I live in Wyoming and I've never seen a single blue toned old cowboy photo. Yahoo!



    The composition and timing here are very good. However, the shot as noted above is overexposed and it has a blue cast resulting from the shade. It is relatively easy to color rebalance and do a small curves adjustment in Photoshop to correct these small problems.



    I really don't intend to be rude here, but this is just a cookie cutter picture of 'The Wave' shot with average light and okay composition. I do believe it's fine to shoot cliches. We can learn a lot in the process. If you do so however, the light and or composition needs to be special to be considered a very good or excellent photo.
  1. The color and tonalities here are fine, but IMO the compostion is weak. The trees and the irrigation canal are cropped so tightly and viewed at such a low angle that they do not create a strong view point towards the horizon. Jaap has many fine shots in his folio. This one I feel is not up to those standards.

    Symmetric clouds


    IMO the clouds and reflection are too symmetrical.

    My eye goes immediately to the center of the photo and stays there. An excellent composition has a visual flow from area to area. The eye should start at one point in the photo and be lead by both the tonalities and forms to a climactic final resting point. Along the way, the detail and color harmonies should enhance the overall feeling and message of the image. Your best landscapes have these qualities. This one does not. I hope this helps.

  2. The composition is strong here but the color and tonalities IMO are merely average. The color is almost absent and the skies seems rather unexceptional. Some duotoning or pastel color filtering might make this is a more captivating image.

    Skypath 6

    This is a superb composition Fred. The visual flow towards the focal point is strengthened both by the repetition of pattern in the positive and negative spaces of the image and the placement. The color harmonies and tone blend to enhance the compositional side as well. VERY well done!
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