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Everything posted by rossb

  1. I find it interesting that someone is going to bring out a new 35mm camera to the market. I will follow along and see how it goes. I am trying to keep tabs on the Intrepid LF camera also. As far as 35mm goes I do have 3 cameras and they all work real nice. I'm a hypocrite photographer and scan B/W film and then print on my inkjet. I enjoy the process and my photos. I also have a Mirrorless camera and used it yesterday and took about 20 pictures of the Grandkids playing in the yard. It was fun. The photos end up being printed on the same inkjet and stored in the same photo album.
  2. 35mm Tri-X with HC110 "E" dilution. Monterey Wharf in the morning before regular business hours. I was there as a Half Marathon was going on and 2 of my kids were competing. They say 10,000 runners showed up and they started in waves. I think the winner ran the 13 miles in 1 hr and a couple minutes. I saw the elite runners take off and they were flat moving and I thought they will never hold that pace. But they did. Anyway I am not much of an action shooter with my old clunker but here is a shot of the wharf and a blurry shot of the elite runners. It was 125th of a second. Not sure completely freezing the action would be better.
  3. Arista 120 reels have a loading ramp where the film enters. Basically it's flat across the entire width of the reel but not connected as you can still ratchet if you wish. Or just push it on. The Arista 120 reels are super easy to use. On 35mm I find if the film hangs up on the ball bearing area when feeding it on I just grab the film between my thumb and forefinger and pull it past the ball bearing part to get it started. On 35mm film the leading edge of the film catches on the reel spokes on the Patterson plastic reels. If you snip the corners just a bit then that helps the film glide past. Dry reels are easier to use then wet reels. No opinion on metal spools as I have not owned one. If you bulk load there is no law that you have to load up a 36 shot roll. You can load up fewer frames if you wish which in turn makes loading onto the spool easier.
  4. I pretty much am good with LR5 basic module and the module for sharpening.. Generally about 1 minute per frame and it's ready to print.. Film has a cost so I spend the time required to make sure the negative will be real nice. No issues with removing a distracting element with my healing brush tool.
  5. Thanks for the input Ben. I am going to pass on the SilverFast offer. The setup I have now is working good and I am just going to stay with that.
  6. I pulled out a 645 negative from one of my binders to scan it as large as I know how. I was able to increase the size of the scan a little from what I usually do and then scanned it set at the maximum optical scanning resolution. . Sized to 20x30 with cropping it came out to a 225dpi scan for that size. It's more then I thought and probably you could up-rez it a bit and it would provide a nice print. However I have never tried to do that so I cannot say for sure. SilverFast did send me an email yesterday and they said I could move up to their best software for $29.00. It has a multi scanning function for dynamic range. However it made no mention of an increased file size and in fact the sales pitch was downplaying file size saying dynamic range is everything. Anyway multi scanning might increase the file size or maybe not. I am not buying it however. Of course there are other scanners in the world and the V600 is probably popular mostly because of the $200.00 price tag.
  7. Another shot from the same roll. Camera set up is unchanged from above. The view is towards the west side of Pinnacles as seen from the High Peaks area. I hike up there every week because of my Volunteer job but do not usually even take a camera. I saw on my phone that clouds were going to be out so I brought it along and took some snap shots.. No tripod as I was working and need to be able to get moving in case something comes up on my Park radio.
  8. I had been using a Plustek scanner for 35mm for some years and it had Silverfast software. It was just what came with the scanner and I used it and was comfortable with it. Then I bought a V600 as I added a MF camera and it came with Epson scan which seemed fine to me but I wanted to use Silverfast as I had been using it for such a long time. So I bought Silverfast 8. It does allow you to adjust your image in multiple ways prior to the final scan. I do like that feature myself. The program also has batch scan.
  9. I have a Mamiya 645e and an Epson V600 scanner and I cannot obtain a file large enough for a 20x30 print. Actually at that size it would be a print using 170dpi as that is all I can get out of my gear.. Also a 20x30 print would require some cropping as the 645 is a 4/3rds aspect ratio. As far as your work goes I could not say what you actually need. However a new camera system always cost more then you might think. Tri-X is about $6.00 a roll in 120 and it will give you 15 frames in the camera you are talking about. Given all that my MF camera does outperform my 35mm camera in print size and quality. I like Tri-X better then all other films but if you want a contrasty grainless look then Fuji Acros is awesome. Others have a taste that varies from mine.
  10. I have not posted in a while but here is a shot at Pinnacles National Park from yesterday. I hiked about 8 miles and took a few shots. This one is with HP5 at 400 and D76 1:1 13min. Nikon FM2n and 28mm D lens. Red25.
  11. I use a 50mm equivalent prime lens most of the time. Works fine for me and totally inadequate for others. Just find out what works best for you and go for it. I do not own a compact pocket camera but that job was filled with my cell phone back in the day.
  12. Yes i use my cell camera quite often. Its great.
  13. Here is a link to Ferrania Film and their factory. This is a new film factory sort of. They acquired old machines and spent a great deal of time refitting and such to start up film production again. I have not shot any of the film but it is currently available. Anyway not sure if there is anything useful to your class in this link but check it out if you wish. I shoot Kodak Tri-X a great deal and hope to keep using the product all of my life. Anyway if you wanted to you can go on you-tube on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard time and join in with Nico's Photography live show and ask him questions about film production or anything about film. He is a very polite and knowledgeable photographer. Good luck in your class. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51ec6e85e4b01f370623e09d/t/588cf10d17bffc6e424335f3/1485631759264/The_LRF.pdf
  14. I am skipping the lifetime payment plan. I have LR5 and will just use that one until something else catches my eye. I do not shoot RAW anyway so it's not a big deal to me.
  15. I shoot Tri-X at 800 in my Mamiya 645. I have a lot of fun with it and enjoy processing the film at home. For digital I just use my cell.
  16. Developing Tank such as a Patterson with reel. Developer such as D76 Fixer such as Illford Rapid fixer Stop bath: just use water Photo flow from Kodak for final rinse Changing bag which are available from BHphoto for about $20.00 Some containers to mix and store your stuff. Plastic jugs of any kind that has a good lid. a coat hanger and some cloths pins or metal clamps to hang your film to dry. Scanner: For 35mm the usual new ones are Epson V600 or Plustek. Other stuff out there also. The V600 will scan medium format also. Watch a couple you-tube videos. Check locally for disposal of chemicals. In my county 50 gallons a year can go down the sink. However it's not a problem for me to take it to the Haz Matte disposal site when I have a bucket full. It's free.
  17. Nice pictures everyone. I am taking a break from photo.net for a while so I will see you all later on. I am currently trying to trim internet time in favor of a more active lifestyle.
  18. I just order 120 film from Freestyle Photo in LA. They ship it right out without fail.
  19. One more shot. These old boys are not looking good these days.
  20. Actually I did basic in the newer buildings also. When my daughter graduated from USMB I drove around some and found the multi story buildings but could not remember exactly which one I was in. At this point I do not know if those buildings are around or not. I did stay in the old wooden barracks at other Forts later on. They were cold as you mentioned.
  21. More Barracks and my car in front. I did not stay very long and just took some quick snapshots.
  22. Back in 67 I went into the Army and did Basic Training at Fort Ord. The Fort is now a college and residential and I do not know what else but I stopped today and took a few shots of the old falling down barracks. This is just across the street from REI. Not the exact barracks I lived in. I do not even remember where they were actually at or if they are still standing. I will post a couple pics. I did not trespass to get the photos as the area is open. 120 Tri-X with ID11 1:1 for 11 min.
  23. Its a complicated world. Sounds like the folks in Hawaii are going "wind up" in the future.
  24. I think that it has been a long time since 35mm camera production was going on. . Prices are going to keep going up as the supply dwindles on functioning camera's. . Given that our Hospital Thrift shop has a large basket of old point and shoots. They charge $3.00 each, no refunds and no guarantee they will work. . Maybe try some thrift shops if there are any around in your area.
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