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Everything posted by rossb

  1. I took it apart again and the stripe problem is still there. At first I thought it was cured but sometimes it's a pink stripe and sometimes a blue stripe. The blue stripe is not easy to see so I think I was just missing it. I also seemed to have broken the ISRD function. It no longer works. Anyway I am not going to mess around with it anymore.
  2. I seemed to have fixed the color stripe problem. Not sure what I did or if it will come back. Thanks for the help.
  3. I did scan the color neg as a B/W image and the line is still there. I can give it another try tomorrow and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Tomorrow I am going to Photogarphy West in Carmel Calif. I think Cristopher Burkett will be there showcasing some new prints. Anyway if all goes well I will get to view some of the best prints possible from his darkroom. He is still working with Cibarchome and I guess he has a stash of paper and chemicals. Also there are many others prints on display from the darkroom or pigment ink from film scans. Anyway it's all good. There are many ways to make a photo (print) or to share on the web.
  5. Your information was of great help to me sort of.. I have an Epson V600 and have been getting a purple vertical stripe on my color scans. If you flip the negative over the purple strip does not move to the other side leading me to figure the negative is fine and the scanner is at fault. Anyway with your diagrams I was able to take the V600 apart and clean the glass. It seemed very clean to me but I cleaned it anyway. I put the scanner back together and it still works but the color stripe has moved to the other side. Kind of surprising over all. And again as before the stripe does not switch to the other side if you flip the negative for scanning. My scanner is just under 2 years old. Anyway thank you. Not sure what to do but am tempted to purchase a new scanner. I guess it's time to determine once and for all if I want to try 4x5 or not. I am going to think about it for a couple months and then decide. I am taking my wife to see Christopher Burketts work at Photography West in Carmel tomorrow. I believe he is going to be there. . He does not scan but other LF scanned prints will be on display. After my wife checks that out I can then assess her attitude towards LF.
  6. I have the Mamiya 645e with the regular 80mm f2.8 Sekor lens. Thank you for looking. The barn is at Pinnacles National Park and a Blacksmith and family lived and worked there many years ago.. It would have been a hard life living out there with just a dirt road and a wagon. Ektar is a very sharp and saturated film. It's fun.
  7. Ektar with my Mamiya. The playground is the Dennis the Menace playground in Monterey Ca. The child is my Grandson. The Barn is at Pinnacles National Park. They have a barbecue each year for the volunteers so I stopped at the barn first for a couple photos. They gave me a bronze medal for volunteering more then 100 hrs on the Search and Rescue team out there.
  8. I cannot think of a dream camera. I have been using a Mamiya 645e for some time now and it works perfectly so I am good.
  9. A colorful wagon in San Juan Bautista Ca. The last Ektar photo I will post from my recent stuff. I am going to move on to Portra and XP2 and see how they go. I like Ektar for landscapes but for general photos it's a bit wild in the blue for my taste. Portra will probably be a better all around film for me. I have shot XP2 in 35mm before and liked it quite a bit but not in the last 10+ years after all the labs closed up. But now I will try it again. My Patterson tank broke on me so my home processing is down until I get a new one. I wonder if tapping the thing for those bubbles that may not even be there is really needed?
  10. I went to the AT&T years ago and they did not allow photography. If you pulled out a camera they treated it similar to an assault rifle. So if you go make sure you check out the website about photography rules. Apparently the shutter sound upsets the golfers and they freak out.
  11. Ektar 100 with Mamiya 645e. Another with my first roll of C41 processing. This area is a particularly colorful place and the reason I went there with my Ektar film choice. Tripod, f22 at 1/60th second. Pretty much sunny 16 but I meter with a Gossen Sixtomat F2 meter as it has a scene averaging mode. No filters used. Being a B/W guy I do not have a color filter kit. Just a 2 stop ND and a 10 stop ND. I may look into a color filter kit if I keep shooting color which so far has been super fun.
  12. Asleep at the Wheel is a country music group with a lively distinct style based in Austin.
  13. I have not been around for a while but decided to try developing color so I bought a C41 Unicolor Kit and shot a roll of Ektar in my Mamiya 645e. Exposure 18 seconds at f22 using a 10 stop ND. I made a few mistakes developing like forgetting to rinse after the blitz chemical but the photos turned out in spite of my blundering around. I will do a better job next time. I was listening to a LP (Asleep at the Wheel) and it started skipping and distracted me to the point of missing the rinse. Oh well, live and learn.
  14. They listed in the short video portion of the presentation that the camera will offer 4K at 30fps and 1080 at 120fps. To me it seems like in 1080 there would be choices that you could make such as 24,30 or 60. Maybe they just listed the high end and skipped the rest. Also on another point if the camera has poor battery life they are going to offer a power grip. Also I saw somewhere that it will accept USB charging and wonder if you could power the camera from a USB brick while shooting. Anyway it looks like a nice camera and a great introduction for Nikon. They will only get better at least for the Pro line gear. The single card slot is not going to be popular among the high end camera customers as the lack of a flippy screen for vloggers/you-tubers.
  15. Good article and it sounds like wait and see what Nikon does on the DX mirrorless side of things.
  16. I have been looking at Canon camera's for years at my browsing camera store (CostCo) and never noticed that the lens mount was large. But it all seems fine since you brought that up. The small camera field is pretty crowded and popular as you said.
  17. Photography gear changes quickly these days. I think the DSLR system is going to start/continue winding down (my opinion). You-tube is a game changer concerning the popularity of camera's with great video features.
  18. Would Nikon at a later date put an APS-C sensor in a camera with the huge Z mount?
  19. I have not owned that many camera's but my Mamiya 645e is a delight to wind.. It's the only camera I have owned that makes me smile winding. My FM2n is also very good but it does not make me smile. It is smooth and it re-winds very well also. I owned a Leica MP earlier this year for a short time and the winding of the film on that was silky smooth as people say about Leica's but the rewind action was stiff and rough. Better re-wind action then my son's Leica M6. No idea about the best camera film wind as I have not owned a lot of camera's over the last 60 years. They tend to last a very long time as you know. I guess I will go with Mamiya 645e from the camera's I have had experience with.
  20. Large Format film photography that is at least 10 miles hiking from a parking lot. I am hiking the John Muir Trail this August but weight is a problem over the 220 mile trek. I am taking a small digital camera (Fuji XP130, USB charging) but I would like to spot places of interest and then return somehow with my film gear. Anyway what I want to do is possible for me to make happen. Permits in that area are tough to get but you can make it happen with persistence.
  21. A recent photo with my Mamiya 645e and Ektar. Film was lab processed and scanned on my V600. Old Pinnacles Trail at Pinnacles National Park.
  22. I started shooting B/W in the Army in 67 and then included color after getting out in 70. However after the labs closed up i went back to B/W with home processing. So its full circle I guess. Subjects are friends, family and general hobby shots and that has not changed.
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