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Everything posted by rossb

  1. Down to the last of the Pinecrest lake shots. I did not carry a tripod but was able to use the railing of the bridge to stabilize the camera. I think this one was at f22 and 1/15th of a second. I am not a big photoshopper type person so I did not remove the telephone cables.
  2. I like that cat and have 2 of them myself. One of them is smart and can open cupboards and then go inside for a nice dark place and the other one is as dumb as a post.
  3. I probably would not have started developing b/w at home but the labs all closed. I tried digital and found it boring so i bought some b/w stuff and found it to be rewarding to do it all myself. Scanning medium format is pretty easy. It takes a few minutes to batch scan but i do not sit there. I start it and go get some coffee or do something else for a while and it is waiting for me when I return. Not much photoshop with b/w film which makes it easy. I scan with silverfast AE. Anyway its just for fun and just go about it the way you wish to.
  4. On the way home from our hike at Pinecrest Lake I wanted to stop at the Jamestown railroad to buy some Thomas Train stuff for the Grandkids and try to get a shot of the No 3 movie star train. They bring it out on the weekends only. It's hard to get a good angle at the train without getting a parking lot in the background or visitors standing around in the background. When the train was in the yard the engine is moved around to get ready for the next outing and you cannot cross the tracks for a different spot for obvious safety reasons. I shot 1 under and am happy with that. Arista 400 with my Mamiya.
  5. One more shot from the Pinecrest roll. I kind of liked the tree trunk so I took a snap at f5.6 to try and separate the tree from the forest a little.
  6. Canoe at Pinecrest Lake. Arista 400 as usual.
  7. Our local Community college has no photography courses offered. You can take classes related to Cinema which is under Humanities and they have classes on Photoshop (digital science) but no classes on how to take still pictures with any kind of camera.
  8. My wife and I hiked around Pincrest Lake, Ca yesterday. It's 4.5miles which makes a good distance for active old folks. . When hiking with my wife I do not take a tripod as it's time consuming. . It's all just for fun anyway. Mamiya 645e with Arista 400/ID11 12.5min (my usual). I shot all the water stuff at 1/60th as that all I can hand hold with the big clunker that I shoot.
  9. I just went through a similar thing myself. I wanted to go with either a Leica M6 or a Hasselblad. My reason was they are out there to purchase and they can be repaired. However I finally went cheap and bought a Mamiya 645e. I process the film at home and had to also purchase a film scanner. I bought the Epson V600 and also bought Silverfast SE software, a packable tripod, contrast filters for B/W and other misc stuff. I probably spent about $1200.00 on the set up. I am going to Yosemite next week and do some hiking and some shooting. It's a two day trip and I have a permit for Half Dome so I am going to hike that on the 8th and take photos on the 9th. Just my cell phone camera for the hike to keep the weight down.
  10. I took a B/W photography course back in the day and learned a lot actually. I still shoot B/W and developed a roll of Arista 400 in 120 format yesterday. . I did not have an interest in Art school myself but I did go to college for Nursing. That turned out to be a good decision.
  11. I shot a roll of 120 format Arista 400 handheld yesterday in the backyard. The Grandkids were over and i metered off a grey card and shot the roll at those settings. Shutter speed was 1/250th and the photos are great. Exposure right on, sharp pictures. However on the 9th i will be at Yosemite and am planning to shoot a roll of velvia 50 and i will want max DOF and will use my tripod for all 15 shots. If i used a tripod on the grandkids i would not have any shots since they are running around and at yosemite i will be shooting with long shutter speeds and will need to keep the camera stabilized. I just have a BeeFree tripod and will shoot mirror up. I was thinking of shooting on the Mist trail.
  12. The Leica M6 is beautiful without a doubt. Frequently worn as jewelry. However my vote would go to the Haddelblad 501CM. I was trying to stay in the 40 year parameter is the reason I did not include the Leica M3.
  13. Looks like Velvia 50 is going to cost me $30.00 after all the costs are done. I will still need to scan it at home. Out of my budget really so not much chance of a repeat on that idea. Maybe I will get lucky with some good light at Yosemite.
  14. I bought a roll of Velvia 50 in 120 format today. Also 5 rolls of Arista 400 which is my usual. I thought I would try a roll of Velvia out in Yosemite on the 9th. I am hiking Half Dome on the 8th and am not taking a camera except my cell but on the 9th I was going to take some photos in the morning with my MF before heading home.
  15. Theaters crank up the volume and i wear ear plugs to protect my hearing. . They also charge a lot to see a movie and the seating is never that comfortable. Basically i would rather watch a movie on netflick at home. I do not look at photos on-line much but if i do it will be on my cell phone as that is the device i use. Basically people just do what works for them.
  16. My comment is not meant to be all inclusive either. There are many old camera's with different configurations that I do not know about. What came to mind for me was the Leica M3. Classic because it's old, classic because it's loved and manually operated. However I participate in the Classic Camera weekly photo sharing and use a Medium Format with aperture priority. However the rules are film pictures from a film camera. Actually I asked before posting to make sure it was ok.
  17. I agree John. The OP needs to find a method of sharing photos within his/her guidelines. The cell phone is heavily cutting into the use of so many things out there such as the PC and the DSLR/Mirrorless. . Tech continues to move on and shape our lives. I guess my point is if you share on-line then the cell phone will be a significant viewing method. It does come to mind that an old fashioned camera club is still a good idea.
  18. I guess to me the whole experience would be to see the photo in a print form. Then you get to see the finished product. However I do look at photos on my phone sometimes. Michael Kenna, Ben Horne are the latest photographers of interest to me and I have looked at both their photos on my phone. It has a nice bright screen actually.
  19. Old and functions without batteries.
  20. I posted this shot a couple weeks ago so you will have to forgive me. I purchased the Silverfast 8.8 SE program for my Epson V600 today and this is my first scan from it. The Epson Scan had to many glitches for me. The program is $49.00 from Silverfast for the stand alone cheap version which this is. I did a demo version yesterday and it took me like 3 hrs to figure out how the batch scan thing worked. The problem with it taking so long is they provide a movie for the program on the demo but it is for the AI version ($300.00) and not any help so I just had to click away until I figured it out. Anyway so far I like it and I will learn it's various features over time. The photo is Saint Francis (statue) in my back yard. The statue is just the regular garden size that I bought in the Garden center a while back. It holds bird seed and has a thing for water.. My wife likes to have birds around all the time and unfortunately so does the cat.
  21. I guess what surprised me about the picture stealing thing is the folks getting off the ride just took a picture of the photo automatically.. It was not that they saw someone else do it first but they had their phones out and ready. Maybe they ride the Coaster all the time and picked that up on the way. . They could just do a selfie on the ride themselves with one of those sticks. On the European thing and talking with strangers I actually meet folks from Europe every week at Pinnacles National Park. I am a Volunteer on the Search and Rescue team and spend some time sitting on a bench in the High Peaks. Many visitors from Europe come to the National Parks and they are always friendly and they always speak English very well. However I am dressed like a Park Ranger and they probably feel that it's ok to talk to a Ranger being associated with the Park and all. However my job is not that of a Ranger but a Search and Rescue team member. I am working tomorrow. I usually hike about 6 miles with a heavy pack and climb about 2000 feet. Pinnacles is a very steep terrain.
  22. I remember the Sure Shot was a popular model back in the day. The one I saw at the thrift shop was in good condition externally, light plastic camera. I did not actually pay much attention to it as the basket was full of similar models. I am not going to purchase it however. I am not sure I am even going to shoot any 35mm any longer in the interest of economy. I have a Medium Format interest these days and my budget for photography is consumed with that camera. I like Arista 400 in 120 format. I just figure my cell phone is my compact camera. I have 3 Nikon 35mm camera's currently and in a year if they are still sitting I will get rid of 2 of them and keep the FM2n around in case I change my mind sometime.
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