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Everything posted by rossb

  1. <blockquote> <p>Spencer you might be thinking of Kodachrome. I shot a lot of that also in it's day. </p> </blockquote>
  2. <p> I shot a lot of Elitechrome and thought it was awesome. Nice color, beautiful natural skin tones. </p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>I'm to busy I suppose. Most of my free time is cycling. I do not carry a camera on the bike as I have other priorities when riding. But Jan 4th I am going to Cambria with my wife and I will take my F100. I am not going to Hearst Castle as I have been there a couple times and that is enough. I have some Delta 100 that I want to shoot while we are out and about. </p> <p>I do not plan shoots as the camera is always secondary. I just have it around if I see something. Especially if the Grand kids are around as they are my favorite subjects these days. My Granddaughter is 3 y/o and it puzzles her to no end that my F100 does not have an LCD. </p>
  4. <p>I have a F100 and it is not quiet especially when the auto re-wind kicks in. The good side is I do not need a quiet camera. I imagine the F6 would be reasonably quiet but I have not been around one to really say for sure. </p>
  5. <p>I am using a Plustek with Silverfast 8 software. I am happy with it and you can buy it new. It is a dedicated 35mm scanner. Before that I had an Epson 500 scanner and it was a very poor machine. Before the Epson I had a Minolta scanner and I do not remember the numbers on it but it broke long before it should have.</p>
  6. <p>Not really as I do not go someplace for the purpose of taking photos. It's something I do secondary. <br> My wife and I want to spend a day in Yosemite early next month and I will shoot some B/W film of the snow and such. It will be fun and we can hike around in the snow for a couple hours, stop in at the giftshop and buy a t-shirt and some coffee. </p>
  7. <blockquote> <p> " Seems like there is a purist rebellion springing up, Sanford. Quite the opposite of the feeling about messing around with the original that you are proposing. I can recall the comment " Photoshopped to death, " a few years or a decade back. Now we must assume all-every photo on the net- has been altered in some way from the original. Unless it is to be used in a jury trial or to document a historical event, why is that important to the art and craft of photography. My thought is that it matters not much in the scheme of things. It is a "restoration" to a product of the conceptual frame of the artist who made the photo. So how can we object to the concept of 'restoration.' Such a nicer word than ouch over baked, (which makes for dry, blackened and tasteless.)"</p> <p>I think restoration is a polite term and it's fine with me. I just try to avoid viewing restoration projects when I can. <br> Not sure what a purist rebellion is but I am not rebelling. I just do not need photoshop any longer. The camera has it covered to my satisfaction. The Oly has a multitude of adjustments available to give me just the photo that I am looking for. I shoot mostly B/W but if my wife wants color then I shoot color. Anyway I am going to log out and move on as I do not want to talk about photoshop any longer. I do not care about it really. Good luck with your restoration projects. </p> </blockquote>
  8. <p>The whole photoshop thing was a miracle for quite a while. However now I have an Oly mirrorless camera and it has ample features to snag a nice sharp and contrasty photo right out of the box. I use elements for sizing and cropping if needed prior to printing. <br> I like a B/W print from film, digital or whatever and I am not particularly worried about the photographers process. The print is the finished product to me and I would like to look at it if there was somebody around that had one to show. <br> Anyway photoshop or not and I do not care. It's just up to the photographer to do what they do. The big thing to me is I do not want to look at it unless it's in a print form. I do not care about looking at several hundred thousand over baked photos on the net. Been there and done that and now I am finished with that aspect. </p> <p> </p>
  9. <p> I have been shooting digital since all the labs closed but lately I have been shooting some B/W with my F100. It's been fun so I am going to shoot some more and see how it goes. I am using the mail for processing and it is quite costly. Not good. <br> My kids and friends are just not interested in looking at prints any longer as they are all about facebook and the continuous sharing of their lives and such. However I still like a print so I will just do what I do. Anyway I am back with film again and we will see how it goes. Maybe I will process the film myself this time to help with the cost. I have a film scanner. </p>
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