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Image Comments posted by carol_watson

    Cathedral Trail

    Nice shot, Robert! You have nice clarity in the foliage and the tones are great. I don't mind the brightness at the top at all -- it's probably a truer representation of the actual lighting (versus toning it down as part of the post production process).

    Daisy and Sky

    Very interesting angle and depth of field -- got detail both in the daisy in front and the clouds and mountains in the far distance. Pretty damn cool, I'd say.

    July 4th

    Gee, my fireworks shots are pretty lame-o compared to this one! Great composition. I love the cityscape in front to give the bursts a sense of scale.
  1. Dylan, I really like the coloring that you did on this shot. The only thing is that I'm finding the object on the bottom right too distracting. Is that a leg or someone's torso? The composition is great (sans the distraction).


    I like the expression and tilt of his head. The smile lines around his eyes offer up a hint of charisma in his personality. Oh... and Sean is very handsome (*sigh*). Reminds me of the actor in the English Patient... damn, forgotten his name, but I certainly remember his gorgeous face. :-)
  2. This is a great photo. The wind in their hair, the sea in the distance framed nicely with the white railing. Great composition. I also like the choice of soft sepia toning -- along with their cotton dresses, it gives the picture a vintage feel. You've captured some memories that will live on forever for these two girls.

    Maresias #1

    This is a gorgeous shot. I like the soft gentle motion you've captured in the water, the different shades in the rock (lighter up front, darker further away), and the way the curve of the rocks pulls your eye through the photograph. I'd buy a print of this. It's simply beautiful.
  3. Thanks to everyone for their comments. I appreciate the constructive suggestions for improvement. How the heck will I learn otherwise?! :-) Given that, in response to the comments about the background, I've attached the version with the original background. I thought it would detract from the character in the man's face... perhaps I was wrong (been wrong before, heaven knows!). Let me know which version you prefer. Thanks again to all!!

    Cryin Cowboy... with background




    You've definitely made their personalities visible in this portrait. From the silliness of the girl on the left to the coyness of the girl on the right with the slightly unimpressed boy smack dab in the middle. Very cute.
  4. The clarity and cool tones are fabulous. I also like how the disruption in the pattern of the trees is just enough to reveal the home in the distance. The clouds are also nice and dramatic. Just a terrific shot, all around.


    Not only do I love the colors, but I love the way the road carries your eye straight through the picture. Great shot!
  5. To give you a sense of how small these little baby hummingbirds are, I've attached a photo with my finger purposely included to give you a sense of scale. The mother hummingbird built this nest on a pulley of a boat launch.
    Sense of Scale


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