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Image Comments posted by carol_watson

    Three Trees

    My monitor displays the grass as periwinkle as well. It's consistent on my new cherished flatscreen monitor and my laptop. So, I think you're monitor is not mucked. Though, if you need an excuse to buy a new monitor, feel free to play that angle. :-)


    My heart feels heavy when I see this image... your addition of the effects magnify the emotional response by the viewer. Well done.
  1. I like the composition... I'm a tree person. Since I'm still a Northern girl at heart, I recall the thrill of seeing green after nothing but white and brown tones for 6 months. Thanks for renewing that thrill for me. Nice shot!
  2. This is one of your many wonderful photos of Kauai that cause me much torment.... I want to go back (been three times). Thanks for capturing Kauai's true beauty and bringing some great memories back into the forefront of my crazy cluttered mind.

    Young flower...

    I like the fact that you chose the little bud to focus on rather than the mature and brightly colored flowers. The background flowers still add enough of an element of color with your unique DOF.
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