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Image Comments posted by carol_watson

  1. Replaced with a new version based on everyone's feedback! Added contrast and adjusted Curves in PS 7. One thing I did differently than the approaches suggested by others is that I focused my contrast and curves changes on all parts of the photo except the pool reflection -- which I liked as it was. I admit that I like this version better and certainly appreciate the suggestions! :-) You may need to perform a Reload of this page to view this new version.

    Double Door

    You're right Jonathan. If I chose to align to one part, another would be crooked. There's nothing straight and level about these old Mexican structures... of course, that's why I find them so intriguing!
  2. This is a fabulous shot!! I've recently invested in a Hoya R72 IR filter for my digital camera and have been struggling to get decent clarity during my initial attempts. And combining the IR with a color version in post-production is very imaginative! I love the result!!
  3. Cool idea (literally)... I'm thinking I may have cropped it differently to make it look more abstract. But, now that I examine it more, I'm not sure how I would have accomplished that.... so.... as Gilda used to say "Never mind". :-)
  4. Thanks for your nice comments! I'm truly flattered. It's nice to know that someone else thinks my dreams may actually come to fruition some day! BTW, how's the weather in dah Pig? :-) I used to head there every summer for the folk music festival at Bird's Hill!

    Drama Queen

    ... feedback that is! And I did! Here's Kellee's portrait without the "cheesy" sparkles. Let me know if this works better. Kellee is a Scorpio, so her moods change at the drop of a hat. :-) She's a pretty intense kid (unlike her mom, who is pretty laid back). Either way, I appreciate the feedback!! That's how I learn and grow.
  5. This picture makes me feel nice and cool... I can smell the freshness in the air... It's hot as Hades here in Texas today. I wanna be there... Can I come over to play in the fog? :-)


    Wow! What a great angle on the architecture! And I like the low evening lighting -- especially because it brings out the bright white of the two men's turbans!
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