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Sandy Vongries

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Sandy Vongries

  1. From the distant past! Zf 24-200 / 4-6.3
  2. Hard Cider at lunch today Zf 24-200 / 4- 6.3
  3. One thought more, if she doesn't care much for being photographed, be sparing in your attempts. BTDT
  4. Per Sam's comment, difficult. Open shade, indoor north window light much easier and more flattering. If you want to do this kind of direct sun lighting, have the subject close eyes and open and smile on a count I usually use 5. If your shutter stroke is in time with the number, they don't have time to squint. Not an unlikable photo.
  5. Interesting. Though not photography, three times in a lengthy business career I managed to revive "obsolete" machines that no one understood anymore. A benefit to each organization. Even if it is old, if there is little or no cost to getting it working, and it fills a useful function, go for it. Everyone wins.
  6. We have the birds in the area and a pond - deeper works! Haven't had one yet.
  7. Nothing in particular on the task list today, looking for a specific image, I skimmed through half a dozen or more years of photos. Great memories of places and things past, particularly some of my dogs that passed on ahead. Also interesting was the parade of cameras and lenses, changes in photographic style. I also rediscovered a couple of techniques I had forgotten. If you have the time and space, worth trying.
  8. I have no recollection of referring to my resume. It is probably in your best interest to refrain from requesting critiques moving forward if replies may prove irksome.
  9. When you seek critique, generally that is what you get, how someone views your photo. Their thoughts on good things, and changes they believe would make it stronger. Seems to me a productive course is to take suggestions you like and possibly apply them. For the rest, "Thank you for your time and effort" and going on with what I was doing before has worked for me.
  10. Lets not get political - of any flavor.
  11. Ninety yards from the living room windows.
  12. Mine is superb. I can't imagine better. I use it and have used it for several years on a D810. If it ever fails, I will try to get another. Many photos posted here.
  13. At the recommendation of my oldest friend, I recently acquired the new 24-200 for my Zf. I had planned to go with just the 50 2 and FTZ II with my collection of F mount lenses, but am very pleased with the performance of my new zoom. Haven't used it a great deal, but so far so good. A nice package with the Zf, and $250 off as a refurb from Nikon USA.
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