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Image Comments posted by etan_lightstone

    Midnight -21 C


    very magical photo! good job.


    I'm curious... do you take any precautions about using your Digital Rebel in winter? Like let it warm up inside the camera case once you come inside for a few hours? etc.. did it behave strangely at -21? did the LCD display get blurry?

    Summer's End


    Just wonderful, really love the depth of this image and the colors.


    May I ask what settings you used? the severe darkening of the right side of the image was done in photoshop? Or is this simply the result of using a polarizer?

  1. Well the original shot had the tops of the mountains with the sky.


    I purposely cropped it out, I didn't want what I would describe as three transitions (sky->mountains->foreground) I wanted two (mountains->foreground).


    I suppose if I left you wondering where the mountains end.. that's a good thing :)

    oaxacan dancers


    This photo is almost a 7/7 in my opinion. unfortunately had you been able to get the floor itself pin-sharp to attract, it would better complement the motion blur of the dresses.


    Almost amazing!



    Well done!


    Would you mind describing you lighting technique/placement on this one?


    Also what do you use as a background?



    Cool shot, although the girl in the middle doesn't quite look happy :)


    Also, how do you like the 12-24 tokina lens? I've been thinking about getting the same one.. its a great price. I want that wide angle goodness.

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