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Image Comments posted by etan_lightstone

  1. I can't pinpoint it. But this picture doesn't really do it for me. I can see that it was a beautiful scene, but the image doesn't really captivate me.


    There are aspects that all distract from eachother (sky, ocean,coral,ground/houses).


    Could this shot have been better if something was isolated? like you zoomed in a bit more on the rocky houses below. Or excluded the sky completely?


    I often find it hard to pin point what makes a landscape shot interesting, and what doesn't.


    Can anyone offer inseight?


    I love this shot. It's too bad it was blurry and you had to compensate with what appears to be a large amount of unsharp mask. Oh well.



    The lighting is perfect!


    May I ask what you used for lighting? natural light? strobe?


    What did you use for the background? Or is that just a grey wall?



    Just superb... I can tell you did a lot of photoshop "dodging" in the foreground.... was everything encased in shadow in the original shot?


    If you had used a GND filter during capture time.. you might have been able to preserve clarity it the foreground



    Did you shoot through glass? or were you directly infront of the insect? Did you use a flash?


    Was this at the insectarium, or the botanical gardins?

    Sunny Rockers


    Nice job... black and white was invented for these kinds of moody shots.


    I think it needs one more element to hold people's interest longer... something like a watch on one of the chair arms, or something along those lines But that's being picky :)

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