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Image Comments posted by etan_lightstone



    I'm curious.. what camera did you use? and what settings?


    On "larger" view I notice a lot of pixelation and digital "noise" in this photo.


    Of course if you resized it smaller.. it wouldn't have been noticeable. Which beggs the question, why did you upload it like this?

  1. Shooting water is a lot of fun, if you can attain a high enough shutter speed. I see you used something that looks like iso 1600 ? Try using a program called "neat image" to get rid of the noise (speckles). Also, the using the flash might help as well. What shutter speed do you do this one at? I find the water doesn't look so good below 1/200 if it's in motion.



    I do agree with some of what martin is saying. But I think the right hand grip comment is being a little picky.


    The smoke effect is superb, but I wish it was more to the side for your face.. and not in your face.


    The lighting is PERFECT.

    In fact, could you be so kind as to tell me your camera settings, and photoshop effects you did? This truely is a great looking scene.


    Also your camera model, if you don't mind!



  2. I like the pose, and the instrument. The structure of this shot is good, and you have a nice background.


    My only problem with it is the skin tone. It's too white. A warmer color tone might have improved this shot.

    Caravan # 2


    Love the image above, mostly for the excellent detail in the sand itself. The shadows makes everything standout. Perfect.


    On the "vacation picture" question. I'd like to add to it.


    One can be on vacation, take a snapshot of a coastline/landscape and it just comes across as some guy who took a picture on his vacation. However, sometimes it comes across as a work of art.


    Is it all just the right lighting? The right contrast perhaps? The right camera?


    Next time I go on vacation, what can be done to ensure my photography looks like photography, and not some guy on a rampage with his disposable camrea? (No I don't REALLY use disposables :) )

    Micah - 2


    I really like this photo. The color, contrast, the pose.


    Would you mind revealing your camera settings (and what camera make), as well as what you did in photoshop after?

    Alabama Hills


    I like the set-up. The detailed rock in the foreground vs the nice sky/landscape I like.


    However it seems your exposure was adjusted for the sky, and so the rocks in the foreground are a little too bright for my tastes. You might have tried blending two exposures.. or using a graduated filter.

    Wanda's Kitchen


    This shot really captured my attention. The checkered floor is what makes this image tick.


    I have a hunch it might look better with the blinds down. But I'd really have to see it.



    Good pose, nice shot.


    I would prefer without the railing behind the model. You don't find it distracting?

    Also, how close were you when you took this shot? Arms length away? or zoomed in from a distance?

  3. I love this shot. Good colors too.

    Question, did you blend this image using 2 exposures? I see a lot of digital distortion around the edges of the rockface and the sky. Also, between the mountains and the sky.


    What method did you use to mend the two if so?



    I love the details in this shot. I alsoo find the darkness of it interesting.


    Can you give the camera setting details? What camera? f-stop, shutter speed? tripod?, iso?

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