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Image Comments posted by etan_lightstone



    You're really onto something with this shot. The colors are great!


    I agree with the above post. You should have moved a little bit of hair out of the way... too much darkness on the left.

    Mt. Pinatubo


    I also find the silhouttes of the people are a neat addition.


    Regarding converting your images to B&W... from the look of this, I have to assume you used the channel mixer tool in monochrome to acheive this. Also, the severe pixelation in the sky tells me you either used alot of the green or the blue channel.


    It's a shame it does this... because I love the contrast that the blue channel in monochrome provides.



    Very well executed shot. And the glass is tack sharp!


    May I ask what the set-up was for this? What sort of backdrop? what lighting? camera? lens?



    First Snow


    An excellent shot.


    I think its too bad the cokin grey filter adds that color to the sky though. But even more annoying that Singh Ray filters are so expensive :)

  1. I like this shot. Is it just me though or is the focus concentrated on the pedals instead of the long part? I might be curious to see this same shot with the focus concentrated on the long part of the flower.


    Also, did you use a flash for this? or just ambient light? What camera hardware, lens did you use?



    Her face is very well exposed. And she's gorgeous :)


    Curious.. is that a medium format camera? What dimensions are the porta film? Is it the same as Mamiya film format? I don't know much about non 35mm.

  2. Everything is neat about this shot except the lighting. It really helps to use a lightsource directly behind your glasses, to give that glow to the liquid. It might be difficult if it's jellow :)


    Also the ripples of the background sheet are a little distracting.



    Although this particular shot isn't my favorite, I looked through your portfolio, and I absolutely adore your scenic , landscape shots.


    The windmills!

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