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Image Comments posted by etan_lightstone

  1. I think its wonderful, and who says black and white isn't crowd pleasing? did you notice the portfolio of the month?


    Is this image heavily cropped from the original shot? It looks like you did some heavy unsharp masking on that mountain, or is it my imagination?

  2. Actually that's not even close to how I go about darkening the sky... I'm pretty sure you are being distracted simply by over unsharp-masking of the final image... making the edges of the building too unrealistic. Maybe I'll have to tone that down.


    My technique is merely using several layers, changing brightness and contrast (amongst a few other things), and clumsily separating the sky using a VERY soft eraser brush.


    Did you check out the other image pasted in my above comment?


    Thanks again for the input... it is priceless getting feedback like this.


    I really enjoy some of your spain pics especially the black and white Leon one. The only one I can tell where the sky really looks out of place is "Zamora", mainly because of the white halo around the edges of the building.


    It's a tough trick!

  3. Thanks for the critiques... not sure I can see the "lines" on my screen. Although, I would assume most people would make separate adjustments for the sky.. . unless they have a super camera :) Is it just that the edges are too sharp around the bulding?


    What's your technique for handling this?



    Good capture of the babboon, good use of DOF.


    I'm curious, how do you like the sigma 70-300 ? I can't really tell how sharp it is on a resized shot like this (although at this size it does look pretty sharp).


    My terribly cheap "Quantaray 100-300" lens is totally unusable wide-open at 300mm.


    how is your sigma 300mm at 5.6 when looking at the full res image?



    Very nice shot, excellent B&W convertion (I imagine you used a photoshop red channel).


    I have a question about the sigma 10-20, do you find it lacks a bit of sharpness (in the center even) when focusing to infinity?

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