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Image Comments posted by danielwoodrum


    i'd like for the yellows and oranges to reach a little higher into the sky, or maybe a few more clouds up there. but consider that a minor nit-pick. This shot caught my eye out of the list of recent posts... it's very powerful and the back story makes it even better. thanks for sharing.
  1. i didn't see a single one. maybe the rednecks had a big barbeque during the last bucs game! or target practice......

    Seriously though, I think I might go back on another night, sometime when a full moon is hanging low in the sky. There are always a lot of birds on the radio towers, and I'd love to get a shot of one silhouetted against the moon. It might also provide some better light for the other odd subjects around there.

    Do you ever sell your photos? I know a good place that offers a wall for free to photographers. It's the Java 'n Cream ice cream shop on Davis Islands, and I have about 15 pieces hanging there this month. The owner is very nice, and you get to expose your work to the south tampa crowd. I'm sure your stuff would do well... you should stop in.

  2. lawrence, i couldn't agree more. it's something I didn't notice at first, but now I can see it. the area probably isn't compelling enough for a re-shoot... but if i'm in the area sometime, i might try a slightly lower, or higher position.

    laurie, so good to hear from you! the "totem poles" are on the pinellas side, underneath the radio tower, on the opposite side of the road from the friendship bridge trailhead. I took a lot of stuff there last weekend, when the skies were so clear. none of it is probably "sellable"... but it was fun making this nasty stretch of beach look at least somewhat nice.


  3. if you know tampa, you know where this was taken... the famous "world's longest sidewalk" along bayshore boulevard and tampa bay. I've seen plenty of pictures of it, but wanted to try something a little different.

    Your comments are most appreciated, good or bad.

    Redneck Riviera

    This is a particularly nasty beach, right at the side of the road,underneath a pair of giant radio towers. A great place for people whowant to get drunk and shoot off fireworks, thus the name. My goal wasto make it look, well, nice. What do you think? If your travel agentshowed you this picture, would you book a trip?

    Thanks for yourcomments.

  4. yeah... i think i agree about the sticker... but i thought i'd post it as-is and see if anyone else was bothered by it. it'll be easy enough to brush out, i think. amazingly, you can't really tell just how dirty my vehicle is! thanks for your comments.
  5. i'll be darned, there's an east amboy? I guess I should have driven a little farther (i turned south at Roy's and headed for Joshua Tree NP). have you tried converting this to b/w? I bet you could really bring out the words in the sign with some adjustments.
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