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Image Comments posted by danielwoodrum

  1. not sure if this is the proper category... i guess a boat counts as

    a "vehicle". anyway... please enjoy, and critique away! (there's

    also a b/w version in the folder... not sure which is better).

  2. i think i'd prefer a looser crop, with a little headroom, and perhaps their knees/hands visible. that said, the photo conveys a lot of emotion and definitely held my attention for a while. thanks for sharing it.


    i like it rotated, but now it bothers me a bit that the leaves are out of focus... something I also struggle with on reflection pics--you get the reflection in focus, and anything else is then blurry. oh well... still a fun way to display it!



    the layout of this photo is particularly nice: the palm frond hanging down from above, the ship centered between the two chairs. i wish there was just a little more space on the left, between the chair and the edge of the frame, and just a little room between the top of the chair and the horizon, but i'm just being picky. colors are great too. thanks for sharing!




    mike... i really like this one... but i would try a couple of things. first, i'd crop off that second window to leave you with either a square format, or portrait format. Then, i'd rotate maybe 1 degree clockwise, so the vertical line is straight. finally, use the shadow/highlights feature in PS to make the cat's face a little brighter. but go easy on it--too much will look fake. hope that helps--i think you have a good, solid pic here to work from.



    this is nice, tammy. I think it may benefit from a levels adjustment. make those shadows darker for a more dramatic effect. a beautiful cat for sure...
  3. long, thanks. I'm not terribly impressed with this one and had considered deleting it from my folder. I wished there was something more significant in the mirror. what the heck, it was fun to take! thanks for all your comments!


    i really like it... just one question. did you increase the saturation? i think the red, rusty areas come off a little too strong, and detract from the beauty of the water and sky.
  4. thanks stephen. it would have been great if there had been one big cactus just off the road to the left. as for the crop, i was going back and forth on cutting out some of the road, so maybe now i will. thanks again.
  5. not sure if it leads my eye. I was captivated by the cabin in the foreground, and the entire mechanism, and only later did I look down and see london. That said, I think you snapped this at just the right moment, so that the second cabin (just below the nearest one, in that space) can also be seen. I think the rest of the city would have jumped out more at me if it had been less cloudy. Thanks for sharing this perspective!
  6. This one I liked, but i didn't think anyone else would. Then a friend

    stopped in his tracks when it flipped by on my screen saver. So maybe

    there's somthing to it? Your comments are most welcome.

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