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Image Comments posted by danielwoodrum

  1. road shots always appeal to me and i take way too many of them when i'm on a trip. the colors and the sharpness of the foreground really pop on this one. I might suggest a slightly higher viewpoint though, in the future, so that the road itself takes up a little less of the frame.


    i get the vision, in fact i think i've been in that very store! however, i think the image is a bit too busy, probably leaving most people with the same reaction as tom. one thing you could do to possibly improve the image (that has nothing to do with the reflection) would be to use the "distort" or "skew" functions to stretch out the lower left corner. doing so would level out the bottom windowsill, and give the effect that you were standing squarely in front of the window.

    America in Georgia

    the flag is simply elegant in this shot, and well framed in the passageway. the only thing on my wish list would be a little bit looser crop at the top... but i imagine it was a strain to get as much in the frame as you did. thanks for sharing it.


    colors on the buildings are great... and add to that, the landmark in the distance is nearly centered on the sunset point... which draws me in that direction. very enjoyable image!

    White Sands, NM

    kristen, it appears I was there just one day after you! most of the clouds were gone by my visit, but the blue sky is a trade-off. You've done a nice job here with the powerful clouds. welcome to PN!
  2. thanks laurie. the sky wasn't quite that dramatic in real life. I did an auto level adjustment, and that's what I got... and decided to keep it. The dunes were very impressive. I hiked the Alkali Flat Trail (4.4 Miles!!!) first thing in the morning. Only one person had hiked it before me, so aside from one set of footprints, everything was undisturbed. I could have taken 10x as many pictures...

    Carlsbad #2

    laurie, there's a great story to go along with this one. Right as I was setting up to take this picture, a huge field trip of 4th graders came filing by. You can only imagine the snickers, pointing fingers, and the word "boobie" filling the silence of the caverns!
  3. An old abandoned motel (I think) near Guadalupe Mtns. National Park inwest Texas. It's no longer AAA approved.

    Also view the colorversion in my folder. What of the sky? too much? i worked hard toincrease my foreground contrast without blowing out the clouds. anythoughts are welcome...



    this is the sign that greets you in hatch, new mexico, home of

    (arguably) the best chiles in the world. your thoughts and ratings

    will be appreciated.

    Crosses at Sunset

    deidre and hugo, thanks. hugo, i know where you're coming from. when i shot this i didn't get quite the angle i wanted--the right 2 are closer than the left, i would have liked to have seen the nails in the crosses better, etc. the crosses were on a hill, and the only place to shoot them at a good angle was standing in the middle of the road, so i took my best shot and moved on. Not that this stretch of road is very busy, but I always worry i'll get absorbed in the photo and not hear the semi barreling down on me. I think there was a troubling tree in the background, too, if i changed position. Oh well, there will be other crosses and sunsets, and I'm still pretty pleased. take care, -d


    this is great... how did you get into the cave without disturbing the sand? it looks like there are footprints on the ceiling, but none on the ground.

    Taos Pueblo


    lucky to get this shot... the pueblo gestapo chased me away just

    after. Apparently the town closes to outsiders at 4pm! your comments

    are most appreciated. And, you will find many more NM pics in my gallery.

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