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Image Comments posted by danielwoodrum


    poles and fabric add nice foreground interest, in my opinion, and add to the "shabby-ness" of the scene. my only suggestion would be to have repositioned slightly, so the trees on the right weren't so dominant. that's just a minor quibble... overall this is great.

    Follow the rails

    the angle works for me. only flaw i see is the white in the train platform seems a bit fuzzy. i'm not sure if it's a focus issue, or maybe a little more contrast would help (i'm using my lousy work monitor!) that said, the overall look and feel of the image i like.


    with a face like that, not homeless for long, i'm sure. I'd suggest a square crop centered on the face, which would eliminate the human hand. a beautiful shot!
  1. i think i'd crop out about 1/2 of the sky... it draws attention from the interesting part, which is from the horizon down. (there's something about wading in water that always makes the picture worthwhile!)

    Pendelton Oil Mill

    al- the building makes a great subject (and i've never known oil to come from a mill!) here are my thoughts. a slightly looser crop would probably be better. i don't think you have to show the whole building, but it would be nice to see the peak of the roof. i'd also like to see the whole chimney, as it would probably make an interesting element. on the plus side, i like the strong texture of the wood, and the rusty sign stands out nicely. hope this helps! -d
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