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Everything posted by peter.s

  1. peter.s

    A Noisy Miner

    Love the colours and composition.
  2. peter.s

    Forest Abstract #7

    Sergio, I wasn't sure whether I had taken the abstraction too far. As usual, I find it hard to judge my own photos, so very glad to have your encouragement. Thank you.
  3. peter.s

    Forest Abstract #7

    A walk in the woods. Almost spring.
  4. Daniel - your comments are very generous - and much appreciated. Many thanks. Regards, Peter
  5. peter.s

    November Snow

    Laurent, thanks for the comment. I'm quite pleased with this one - it's actually a splice of three wide angle images. I was out today trying some architectural shots with the WA but they don't please me, so this may be the only post for a while with WA. Incidentally, while I was taking the bush scene I found some lovely fungi to photograph, but of course, I did not have the macro with me. :(
  6. peter.s

    November Snow

    Thank you for the encouragement, Daniel. Much appreciated. Regards, Peter.
  7. Daniel, I'm intrigued. What/where is this?
  8. peter.s

    Oak Leaf on Glass

    Very creative. Eye-catching. Congrats.
  9. peter.s

    In the drift!

    Great advice, Laurent. Many thanks. I'll let you know if I get anything good from my initial rental period.
  10. peter.s

    In the drift!

    Laurent, I'm about to rent a wide-angle - first time playing with one. This shot of yours, is my first master class on how to use it effectively. Really nicely done. Félicitations.
  11. Lovely to see this. Used to sing the song about this to my kids when they were little. Many thanks for sharing!
  12. peter.s

    Rabbit's Nightmare

    Rachel, thank you. PS lovely to see a shot of the Kettle Valley Line on your portfolio. Used to sing the song to my kids at bedtime when they were little.
  13. peter.s


    Doug, intriguing photo. I like it, but I can't figure it out. Are you able to reveal what it is?
  14. peter.s

    All The Hype

    Mike - like the idea and technique, love the result. Original and humorous. Bravo!
  15. PN has cut off my description above so I'll do a recap here. I was supposed to be cleaning up the garden after winter when I discovered these two dried out flowers from a Japanese Climbing Hydrangea. They had flowered in August, had been buried in winter snow, and I was discovering their skeletons in the following May. The flowers are about 2cm across (less than one inch). The seed pods are at most 2mm (less than a tenth of an inch). The veins in the flower are of coarse miniscule. I have a new and very basic macro lens. I tethered the camera with Digicamcontrol, shot off about 30 photos at varying focal lengths, and then focus stacked in Helicon to get a reasonable depth of field. Happy to get suggestions on how to improve, since I'm a beginner with this ...
  16. Jack many thanks. Much appreciate your comments!
  17. peter.s


    Jack, I'm impressed by this for many reasons: the surface texture of the sculpture is almost tangible in this shot - great detail, also the different shades of white and near white are awesome. Did you have to play with lighting to get all this right, or did you post process a lot or ….?
  18. These are the dried out remains of two flowers from last summer (i.e. from 9 months ago, after they endured a freezing winter). Was supposed to be cleaning up the garden for spring when these caught my eye. The flowers are each about 2 cm (less than an i
  19. Mark - a funny, funny moment - which you caught at exactly the right time. Well done.
  20. My comment in the subtitle runs off the screen so I'll repeat here. The technical challenge was that one cat is almost black, the other is bright white. For that reason I thought of HDR. I took three photos at different exposures and let PS combine them. Of course the cats had to be so fast asleep that they wouldn't move. This meant several tries until they ignored me. I'm quite pleased with the result. Does anyone else use HDR for animal shots? Thoughts?
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