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What camera(s) are you using this weekend?

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Going away for the weekend to Point Pelee National Park for a "glamping" weekend at the oTENTiks doing an art show with my dear lady wife. Nikon D750 and the 50 f1.4, 24-70 f2.8 and 300 f4 for the digital component For Fall colour shots and to post to my wife's website. Also the Pentax LX with the full kit (28 f2.8, 40 f2.8, 50 f1.2, 135 f3.5, 200 f4) and a few rolls of HP5. Should keep me out of trouble (or something like that). Next week I really should give something else a bit of exercise.


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In a fit of nostalgia I'm about to run a film through the first camera I ever "collected".  About 15 years ago we'd just shifted into a new house and I spotted this rather unusual piece of kit on a local auction, and I thought it might add a nice decorative touch to the study. And then I came across another old Praktica, and thought perhaps a small Praktica collection might be nice. And now, somewhere around 250 cameras later, I can blame this old Praktica IV for placing my foot on the slippery slope. It still clacks away in great fashion, and the 135mm f/2.8 Amitar lens produces results that are best described as "creative"...



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Picked up an additional camera for the weekend. The still relatively new-to-me Pentax ME Super w. SMC-M 50/2.0.

I have been under it’s top plate a couple of times to fix a problem with the up/down buttons. They seem to be working now.

Film is Fuji C200. Location is Copenhagen Botanical Gardens.

Pentax ME Super w. 50/2.0 SMC-M


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have never shot color film in this camera or used the new Kodak Gold in 120, so I thought I'd put the 2 together and see what develops. ( Tower 120 flash 6x9 - made by Bilora - for 'Sears'. All metal. I esp. like the button shutter instead of the common lever ones found in most box cameras).

DSCN1710 - Copy (2).JPG

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+Wow Mike ...that 645 looks really nice and I see the WLF and a wide angle mentioned..  leave it to me to be envious when a 645 Super with the 80 and 135 lenses and the Prism finder fell in my lap..  still a WLF for the Super is over 300 and a WA lens likewise .. you just can't please some people


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Only mid-week, but I'm pretty sure what I'll be shooting with the rest of the week and weekend. Today I picked up a Pentax MX to pair with the LX. I find I need two bodies for any given system as if I've slow film in a camera I suddenly want something faster and vice versa. Until I put the two cameras together it really hadn't sunk in how much smaller the MX is as compared to most of my 35mm SLRs the LX has always felt pretty compact. 


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I have desired a Hasselblad SWC with it's alluring Biogon 38mm 1:4.5 since I first became aware of their existence perhaps 25-30 years ago.
After seeing Lee Friedlander's 'America By Car' exhibition when it came to my city in 2012, the SWC moved to the top of my wish list (pending funding...).

Fast forward 10 years. This past week I took a gamble on a photographers estate sale.
So far this 903 SWC has cleaned up nicely and is ready for a first test drive with some 400TX during the weekend.

Hasselblad 903 SWC (Biogon 38mm 1:4.5)


Edited by NHSN
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I recently purchased this Kodak Duo 620 Series II (1937 - 1939) 6x4.5 folder with a Kodak Anastigmat f4.5 lens in a Compur shutter.  The DOF scale on the top plate is in German and the focus scale is in meters so this must have originally been intended for the European market.

It does not have an accessory shoe on the top plate but the screws are in place.

Restoring this camera was a pain.  A previous user must have forced the camera closed and bent the shutter linkage as well as the shutter release arm.  It appears they attempted to open the shutter by prying up the shutter speed dial and bent it in the process.  Inside the shutter, the release arm was completely off its pivot post and was severely bent.  Anyway, I managed to straighten everything out, cleaned the shutter and lens and put it back together.  Shutter cocking and all speeds work correctly except for the "T" setting, which currently behaves the same as the Bulb setting so I can live with that.

On top of that, someone poked the bellows and distorted them.  Fortunately, they still seem to be light-tight.

I hope to put a roll of film through it this coming week.


Edited by gary green
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Still many fall colors  in the park so Fuji C200 in the FE2 w a Nikkor 50/2 Ai.

Also practicing guessing distances today. 

I own a few scale focus cameras and too often fail nailing (guessing) focus.

I bought a used laser rangefinder and am trying to find out if I can improve my guesstimation or if I should marry new and old technology and give it a permanent place in my bag.


Nikon FE2 w 50/2.8 Ai


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