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Everything posted by vincentoiseau

  1. vincentoiseau

    Hi TmJ, a wonderful action shot, with good light and nice detail. I like the movement in the tip of the wing too. Kind regards, Vincent
  2. vincentoiseau

    cardinal flower fall

    Hi G & V, these intensely red flowers form an appealing contrast with the green and grey of the background. I like the sharpness and the composition, but the two horizontal twigs (especially the second darker brown one) at the bottom somehow detract from the photo's 'rhythm'. Kind regards, Vincent
  3. Hi Franz, at first glance there seemed to be a hole in the larger one of the sculpted figures; it was the light at the bottom casting a shadow though. The position of this light doesn't seem well chosen, but (many) more lights would be needed to give a more diffused lighting. I like the natural vignetting and colors, as well as the central placement of the subject in this photo. Kind regards, Vincent
  4. Hi Giangiorgio, it's almost as if the spoonbill was flying over a mirror, the surface of the water looks extremely tranquil. The viewing angle and the direction of the light show both its head and its wings in an appealing position and with a lot of clarity. I like the limited color palette; it enhances the impression of graphic art. Kind regards, Vincent
  5. vincentoiseau

    DoF study III

    Hi Giangiorgio, thank you for your valuable comments! Alas, I'm also not sure what species of flower/plant this is; it may be a dandelion (taraxacum) subspecies. I know the possibility of focus stacking, but I wasn't after front-to-back sharpness here; there are certainly situations in which I would consider it though. Kind regards, Vincent
  6. vincentoiseau

    DoF study III

    Hi Franz, thank you for this funny comment! Your title is definitely more catchy than mine. I'm glad you like it. Kind regards, Vincent
  7. vincentoiseau

    DoF study III

    Hi Marc, thank you for your nice comment! I'm glad you like it. Kind regards, Vincent
  8. vincentoiseau

    DoF study III

    This flower, though slowly decaying, obviously still shows it beauty. I'm always looking for the most ideal DoF and bokeh, which are interdependent but not the same. They are, for me at least , fascinating determinative qualities of photography. Here the light and the absence of wind gave me ample opportunity to get the DoF I was after. Your comments are very welcome.
  9. vincentoiseau

    DoF study III

    A flower starting to decay at the end of summer. Shot on a tripod with an Olympus Zuiko 70-300 mm 4.0-5.6 lens.
  10. vincentoiseau

    leaf on asphalt

    Hi Franz, a natural and nicely composed photo of a wet leaf decomposing on the asphalt, with a strong contrast. It reminds me of some of my own photos; this is a subject that never gets boring, with endless variations. Kind regards, Vincent
  11. vincentoiseau

    September morning.

    Hi Tommy, you have captured a beautiful early autumn mood, the warm sunlight from the side lights up the dewy grass and fog, the leaves of the tree a captivating mix of green, yellow and red. The composition is simple and effective. Kind regards, Vincent
  12. vincentoiseau

    decaying rabbit

    Hi Franz, although this may not be an appealing sight for most of us, it is a highly interesting image that shows a stage in the decay of a dead animal in a straightforward manner, with predominantly grey and brown colors in a cold light and the brighter fallen leaves that are in their own decaying process. Well seen and well composed, great work. Kind regards, Vincent
  13. Hi Pierre, thank you for your nice comment and appreciation! Kind regards, Vincent
  14. vincentoiseau

    not well hidden

    Hi G & V, amazing colors and composition! I like the butterfly in the center of the image, although it is supposed to be 'against the rules'. Into my favorites! Kind regards, Vincent
  15. vincentoiseau

    dew lined basket

    Hi G & V, an intriguing abstract that started as a spin-off (pun in my language, spin=spider) from the view of the whole web. It would do well hanging on a wall. I like the patches of green coming through. Kind regards, Vincent
  16. vincentoiseau

    From the graveyard

    Hi Franz, this one has more space and a wonderful asymmetrical balance, I like it. Have you tried putting the treetrunk in other compositions? Colors are great indeed. Kind regards, Vincent
  17. Hi Bill, thank you for your writing this friendly comment, well appreciated! Kind regards, Vincent
  18. Hi Giangiorgio, thank you for your valuable comments and your support! You know by now I can't resist grazing light on old French walls. Kind regards, Vincent
  19. Hi Wayne, an appealing composition leading the viewer's eye straight to the young women, who, while looking at the exhibit, seem to check the outfits they're wearing too. That sums up an important aspect of fashion: it's (among other things) a way to measure up your own looks against the fashion. I like the coarse strokes on the planes and the very bright spot forming the background behind the women. The fact that there is an 'anthology of fashion' exhibition seems to establish both a past and a present, reflecting whatever period the fashion's from. Well done! Kind regards, Vincent
  20. Hi Franz, the mix of natural elements (plants and branches) works very well. The geometrical shapes and their colors are beautifully 'psychedelic' (as we used to call it). A pleasing composition too, well done! Kind regards, Vincent P.S. Will light festivals still be organised with prices of energy going through the roof? Of course they will, it's paid for with public money.
  21. Hi Franz, thank you for your friendly comments and for favoriting this photo! The place and the light made this easy. Kind regards, Vincent
  22. I think I have written about Castellane in my comments more than once, but for those interested in this southern French town: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castellane . I love the late afternoon / early evening light in these parts. Your comments are very welcome.
  23. vincentoiseau

    Castellane window

    Window shutters in evening light, Castellane. Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 14-54mm 2.8-3.5 lens.
  24. Hi Evgeny, this 'hidden spot' must be hard to reach; with easy access, everybody would take photos there. There is nothing that I don't like about this image. The clean white and blue of the landscape is enchanting, the perspective appealing with the two natural lakes on different heights. I like the fact that the human figure you have placed in the photo for measure is not very noticeable. It's a matter of taste , but I would crop a part from the sky, maybe a square crop would work well here. Kind regards, Vincent
  25. vincentoiseau

    spider basket

    Hi G & V, a very effective way to show a wonder of nature; between plants, almost hidden in the green this intricate natural edifice displays its splendor for a short period of time and for an obvious reason. Well done 'against the light'! Kind regards, Vincent
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