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Everything posted by vincentoiseau

  1. vincentoiseau

    Grey heron passing

    Hi Mitch, thank you for these elaborate comments and the praise! The heron wasn't far away at all, which you can see in the details too; in fact, it just took off very close to the blind I was in. Cropping was only minimal. Kind regards, Vincent
  2. vincentoiseau

    Dark tulip

    Quite some time ago I photographed a bouquet of tulips. I took many photos and experimented with a lot of approaches. With this image I tried to produce a 'stylized' photo in which composition, form and tone were the most significant elements. The aperture wasn't 9.9 (PN does this all the time), but 8.0. Your comments are very welcome.
  3. vincentoiseau

    Dark tulip

    A study in form and tone. Shot on a tripod with an Olympus Zuiko 50 mm 1.8 lens.
  4. vincentoiseau

    rose without spider

    Hi Franz, of course I understand why you chose this title; it just sounded a bit funny, that's all. Kind regards, Vincent
  5. vincentoiseau


    Hi G & V, very well captured photo of these swallowtail butterflies, with an appealing composition as a result of the postures of the insects. Kind regards, Vincent
  6. vincentoiseau

    rose without spider

    Hi Franz, nice sofly colored abstract. Your title made me laugh; it's without many other things too :) Kind regards, Vincent
  7. vincentoiseau

    green cathedral

    Hi Franz, I agree with Frieder's comment; the lens flares and natural light work very well together. Kind regards, Vincent
  8. vincentoiseau

    Digital Flowers

    Hi Michael, an interesting and fascinating abstract. I like the dynamic composition, the colors and textures. In recent history, this could be an album cover. Into my favorites! Kind regards, Vincent
  9. vincentoiseau


    Hi Bill, I live in the central part of the Netherlands. Kind regards, Vincent
  10. vincentoiseau

    yesterday's bud

    Hi G & V, beautiful! Wow, the growth of this hibiscus is very fast indeed. Kind regards, Vincent
  11. vincentoiseau


    Hi Mitch, a very detailed and partially colored photo of this thistle. You chose the right amount of DoF. Well done! Kind regards, Vincent
  12. vincentoiseau


    Hi Franz, a soothing view of the historical silhouettes of this town against the evening (or morning?) sky. Looking at it, I get the feeling there are still places where old values are very much alive. Kind regards, Vincent
  13. Hi Giangiorgio, an excellent moody capture of these cormorants. You made the most out of the foggy circumstances and I love the (almost) monochrome look of this image. Into my favorites! Kind regards, Vincent
  14. Hi Bill, thank you for your friendly comments! I like this light, especially for photographing flowers. Kind regards, Vincent
  15. Hi G & V, thank you for commenting on this image! I wanted to bring out the beauty of the whole flower, hence the straight-on view. The colors are intensified by the light (just after sunset), sharpness is okay, although a more modern macro lens would perform better in that respect. But I like the way this (vintage) lens lends itself to flower photos. Kind regards, Vincent
  16. Hi Giangiorgio, thank you for your friendly comments! This light is so beautiful and brings such deep color I favor it, even though there's always the risk of wind blowing the subject out of focus which calls for a shorter exposure (the camera this has been photographed with does not perform well with high iso) or having to deal with blurry pictures. Kind regards, Vincent
  17. vincentoiseau

    the tower

    Hi Franz, a frame within a frame; although I probably would prefer a more 'quiet' approach of the scenery (the Kloster and the apple orchard in scenic light, maybe with a late afternoon sun) I like the concept you present here. Well seen! Kind regards, Vincent
  18. vincentoiseau

    American West

    Hi Mitch, it's good to see some new uploads from you! Your image perfectly illustrates the vastness of the American West, both by means of its low horizon-composition and the haziness in the background through atmospheric bias, which in this case is clearly a strong feature. Some minor considerations: there's a slightly distracting bright dot in the lower horizon part of the image; the same goes for the orange fence in the lower right bottom. Kind regards, Vincent
  19. vincentoiseau

    this bud's for you

    Hi G & V, very nice! Centered composition works well here, colors are rich. Is this a peony? I've uploaded a 'mallow' photo too; your photo of the hibiscus made me discover that I had some photos in which other malva (sub)species were the main subject, but I didn't know what they were and have been looking to determine different species. So thank you! Kind regards, Vincent
  20. vincentoiseau


    Hi Michael, appealing composition and colors (in the foreground). I don't agree with Pierre here: 'the clarity brought to the chairs is exquisite'. The chairs look decent, but the background and the lights suffer from heavy posterization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterization). I can see the transition line in the lower part of the wine cabinet. Even if it's an effect you created deliberately, I think it still harshly divides two parts of the image, taking away some of the charm of this interior. Layering different exposures would yield more of the result I think you envisioned when capturing this, although I must say I still like the image. Let me know what you think about this. Kind regards, Vincent
  21. Hi Michael, this cemetery scene not only has an appealing composition leading the eye to the tombstone memorial plate, but its gritty look and the colors work very well together to create a mood rarely seen in photos. I don't think William Harold Hansford (or isn't that his last name?) would have ever expected this kind of posthumous tribute to his last resting place. Kind regards, Vincent
  22. vincentoiseau


    Hi Bill, detailed and colorful close-up! This species of bee is new to me too; I've never seen it here. Where have you made this photo? Kind regards, Vincent
  23. vincentoiseau

    Hi TmJ, great pose and eye contact in this photo! I see you used the Canon here again, do you switch systems depending on what you think you'll be shooting? Kind regards, Vincent
  24. Looking at mallow varieties on the web after seeing a photo by Gregory & Verena, I discovered that some flowers I had photographed also belong to the mallow family, in which there are many species. For years I didn't know what kind of flower this was, but now I know: it's a malva sylvestris ( a 'common mallow'). I made the photo in my late mother's garden just after sundown quite some time ago. I liked the full view of the flower and the green background. Your comments are very welcome.
  25. For Gregory and Verena - another species of the huge malvaceae family. Shot on a tripod with a Super Takumar macro 50 mm 4.0 lens.
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