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Everything posted by bobbudding

  1. IMHO 645 is an excellent format. The neg is 2.7X the area of a 35mm neg, and the gear is lighter and more compact than larger medium format options. Rangefinders are going to be the most portable, but it's tricky if you need graduated ND filters. The Mamiya 6 is too pricey, so why not a Fujifilm GW670 and crop?
  2. Nice lens. Is it free of fungus? Scratches or cleaning marks? Additional photos would be helpful.
  3. XTOL is an excellent general purpose developer. I've used it with Fuji Acros, Kodak TMax, and with Ilford HP5+ with excellent results.
  4. No, deleting an account is not a sensible action if it deletes all of your posts, too. Threads would become meaningless as large parts of conversations were deleted.
  5. Are you still using VisiCalc and WordPerfect, too?
  6. And yet many people engage in macro photography with full frame cameras. Are they all misguided? Would they be better off using the cameras in their phones?
  7. I shot a Contax IIa for several years. It was an excellent camera, but I prefer the larger finder of the Nikon S2 and S3. Leica? I passed, because I couldn't decide between the Hermes Edition and the M6 25th Anniversary Accession to the throne of Sultan of Brunei Edition.
  8. i had one that was serviced by a very competent repairman who has retired. Yes, it worked well after it was serviced, but I don't know of anyone who services them now.
  9. My favorite TLR is the Minolta Autocord. The film stays really flat and the lever focus is really nice. The Ikoflex just seems more complex than necessary.
  10. Decent cameras, but very difficult to service with the leaf shutter and interchangeable front elements.
  11. I still use NikonScan with my CS 9000ED, running under Windows 10.
  12. There are metering apps that run on smartphones. They are perfectly fine for negative film, but I tend to use a spot meter for slides.
  13. This comparison is old, but still useful. Collaborative Large Format Scanner Comparison
  14. It appears that you have a strong opinion and zero experience on which to justify your viewpoint. I've shot indoor basketball with lenses ranging from 85/1.8 (for action under the boards) to using 180/2.8 and 70-200/2.8 from various locations around the court. i'm often at ISO 3200 or ISO 640 even with fast lenses. And, no, slower lenses aren't useful because they pass less light to the AF system.
  15. Hoya makes lenses from various materials and coatings. My prescription isn't terribly strong, so my lenses don't have the highest refractive index material. So I have no such problems. My prior glasses were Zeiss. I prefer Hoya, but only by a small margin.
  16. Yes, MF digital prices are a bit more than I can justify as a hobby. But who knows? Maybe the Fuji will become a favorite of wedding photographers (need leaf shutter lenses, though), and perhaps prices will eventually drop a bit. Until then, I'll keep shooting my Mamiya 7II, and I'll print in a darkroom.
  17. I pick: © None of the above. Why? Because I really like the handling of the Minolta Autocord. The film stays flat (the film path is superior to other TLRs), the lens is excellent, and the lever focus is really nice. Plan on a CLA, though. Karl Bryan in Oregon is fantastic. karlkathy99@gmail.com I used to own a Zeiss Ikoflex, but I never liked the ergonomics. So I'll stay with ©. http://www.mikeeckman.com/2018/05/minolta-autocord-1958/
  18. And the front view. The releases look to be well positioned.
  19. It looks as if Fuji has solved your portrait chimney finder problem. But with a tilt screen, and not with a rotating back. Now if they would only launch some leaf shutter lenses . . .
  20. ≈ You could set up a fairly low spec PC running Windows XP and use that as a dedicated scanning station. Don't even connect it to the Internet. then you have no need to worry about OS upgrades and the like.
  21. Break the bank - you can sell gear when you return. A Mamiya 7II and two lenses is easy to carry. The 150mm is superb, but you can't shoot tight head shots with it. Just be sure to stop down a bit to get adequate DOF. and you have several of the best wide angle lenses available within the system.
  22. I can buy an excellent medium format film camera for a few hundred $$$'s. So, for lower volumes, the film camera still makes sense.
  23. bobbudding

    D850 Sensor

    LOL! Yes, buying a DSLR over a decade after it was launched could very well distort your expectations. Nikon DSLRs on the early 2000's were quite competitive with other cameras of the same generation. And none of that generation fares well against current technology.
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