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BeBu Lamar

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Everything posted by BeBu Lamar

  1. I found something strange with my KM Flashmeter VI. In spot mode and I measure a white area on my monitor the reading is lowered by about 0.6 EV if I turn the meter 90 degrees. Or if I turn the monitor into portrait orientation. I wonder if this only with my meter? If this with all the KM Flashmeter VI?
  2. The FTZ or FTZii are cheap enough that I wouldn't consider any third party adapter unless it can AF the screw driver lenses. Otherwise it's not worth it to risk problem.
  3. In the 70's people tend to buy new cars every 3 years or so. Many only 1 year. They rusted out after like 5 years. Today people tend to keep their cars for about 10 years. Newer cars last longer than old cars.
  4. While your D850 weighs more than the F3 but if you consider the size I am quite sure the F3 weighs more per unit of volume. I found modern camera too big yet not heavy enough for their size. No they are built differently but not shoddy.
  5. Nikon was able to make a top of the line Z with performance surpasses that of the top DSLR D6 and selling for less. However, they don't seem to be able to build an APC-C model that in the same price range as the D3500. I think they would be able to sell well in that price range.
  6. Be honest with my reduced income and the cost of living going up I don't think I can afford using film.
  7. I think it would make more sense that the prints are 150x100 but then perhaps the printers are make to print 4" long roll??
  8. If in Euro I think I have problem buying all the film I need as I don't have that much income.
  9. I have a D1X and I found I prefer the pictures from the CP5000 more. Both cameras are 5MP. The CP5000 was only about 2 year or so newer.
  10. I think due to our age all of us in this thread had to learn on film because when we started there was no digital. But someone who just starts now one absolutely doesn't have to learn on film. One can learn on film if one wants to but it's a luxury.
  11. For practical reason I think it's OK to teach film but that would be a special optional class. To be a successful photographer one doesn't need to know anything about film photography today.
  12. I think the half frame is to save cost of film. Unlike before if you shoot half frame you save the cost of the roll of film and perhaps a little bit on the C41 processing but you have to pay the same for the printing with RA4 process. Today the cost of the roll of film is high and the C41 processing is a bit high but the cost of scanning and printing digitally are cheap so it means significant saving.
  13. Ebay now collects tax and they force you to use paypal which has fee and the seller would have to get more to compensate.
  14. BeBu Lamar

    A Z9 Oops?

    If Red wins I am afraid Nikon can't afford it.
  15. BeBu Lamar

    A Z9 Oops?

    It's business as usual but it could hurt Nikon very badly. Remember the case of Honeywell vs Minolta and how much it hurt Minolta. No I do not think Red feel threaten just like I didn't think Honeywell felt threaten. It's just a chance to make a lot of money.
  16. Perhaps spring wears out as I never have that problem with any of the cameras I have.
  17. As I said I put it on the F3HP and make the F3HP into the regular F3. Higher magnification and less eye relief. I bought it for the Df to manually focus better and it doesn't help but I can't see the entire frame at once.
  18. I have the DK17-M but I don't know if it would fit the N90. It fits my Df (which I bought it for) and it fits my F3HP (which turns it into a non HP). It doesn't fit my FM or FE.
  19. I think the OP knew but intentionally did it. It would get more responses that way.
  20. There is the IBIS mechanism. The protective shutter is much less expensive than the real shutter. I would think the mirrorless is less expensive to make and future advance in technology tends to favor it rather than the DSLR. I don't think they can figure out how to make less expensive pentaprism, shutter, mirror mechanism in the future. They would be able to improve the EVF greatly in the future like faster update rate and higher resolution.
  21. I don't knock the CX as it had its own lens mount. It's OK to share the F mount because FX sensor was too expensive and you simply can't abadon good F mount lenses but I don't like the Z50. It doesn't make sense to me. I think the Z5 is Nikon current entry level for the Z series.
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