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BeBu Lamar

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Everything posted by BeBu Lamar

  1. BeBu Lamar

    AIS on D300

    The matrix meter (one that introduced after the F4) needs to know the actual scene brightness. If a scene is brighter than EV 16.3 @ ISO 100 then it will set for EV 16.3.
  2. BeBu Lamar

    AIS on D300

    Yup! The pre AI system when you mount the lens you have to do the indexing which is to line up the internal aperture scale to the aperture scale on the lens. The camera doesn't really use this information for anything except to display the aperture for you to see. The AI system (they called it auto indexing) actually is no indexing at all. The user will look at the aperture directly via the ADR (aperture direct readout). When Nikon introduced the new Matrix metering system for the F5 and newer cameras the camera needs to know the actual aperture and thus the F5 can't support matrix metering with AI lenses and you view the aperture via the ADR. Newer DSLR's and the F6, you would have to enter the lens data and in effect manual indexing again so that the camera can display the aperture set but also making use of the matrix metering system.
  3. BeBu Lamar

    AIS on D300

    In fact the pre AI system the camera does know the actual aperture used because the aperture scale is built in to the camera. The AI system only know how many stops the lens will stop down but not the actual aperture and thus you have to enter the maximum aperture. It's kind of going back to the pre AI
  4. I believe if there is such an adapter it must have some lens element in it because the Leica R mount has the longest flange to film distance.
  5. My mistake it would think you set at maximum aperture because the coupling is where the maximum aperture is.
  6. If it thinks the lens is AI lens it would assume minimum aperture I think.
  7. When the meter in my Df failed early 2018 and before I could have it fixed. I shot a few hundred shots with it without any meter. It worked just fine. Metering isn't important any more.
  8. That was the Nikon F. The Z can't take a bullet.
  9. I am not sure but it certainly looks like a Pre AI lens and without modification it can damage the D780. With an AI lens you can have matrix metering and can shoot in both A and M mode once you enter the non CPU lens data. For the D70 no meter is available with AI lens and it only works in M mode.
  10. I no longer have a 45 but I do believe the 60 is 1 stop more power than the 45 although both of them are 1 stop short of their specs.
  11. Now I found that is true but why? When I bounce I said when I bounce to the ceiling the light is going to spread out and I don't need as wide a coverage as direct flash. So I zoom to a longer focal length setting hoping I would get more light on the subject but it seems I don't.
  12. I think Nikon policy is to prohibit their authorized dealer to sell for less so perhaps the prohibit them selling for more also.
  13. Apple tends to make sure they have enough phone for everyone on launch,
  14. The problem with dye sub is long term supply of ribbon and paper. While you can still buy ink cartridge for very old ink jet or laser printer you can't buy ribbon and paper for old dye sub.
  15. The flipping is bad for Nikon in my opinion. They have a promising product and they might fail if they can't deliver them fast enough.
  16. According to Tony Northrup people are flipping it on Ebay for $11000. That is really bad as Nikon could have made that extra $5500.
  17. Please NO NO NO. The pellicle mirror is the worst thing. It divides the light so neither the film/sensor or the viewfinder gets the full brightness. And light is so precious that a lens 1/3 stop faster cost more than twice as much. Nop no pellicle. I have zero problem using the reflex finder as it is with the sound of the flipping mirror that makes me happy.
  18. I don't like the electronic viewfinder but I am one who feels there is no need for new DSLR. I think I need film more than new DSLR.
  19. Yes I think so too. The Nikon F mount before the introduction of the AF was near perfect while the FD mount was very bad. So Canon had to abandon the FD mount and it is the EF mount that helped them the surpass Nikon. But if Nikon abandoned the F mount when they went AF they may not be in better shape than now. Nikon at the time with F4 wasn't really sure the user interface in the future would be.
  20. And they found their Canon AE-1 body is worth more than the EOS-650 that replaced it.
  21. I think the DSLR era would end even sooner than the film era.
  22. Because they can sell very few of them. Are you going to buy one? Even I am a die hard DSLR/SLR user I don't think I would buy one.
  23. If the OP likes the images coming out of the 16mm then why not just use the 35mm and crop. The results are the same aren't they?
  24. Canon didn't say they terminate production of DSLR all together but I believe they won't be introducing any DSLR in the future. I don't know if Nikon will make the announcement but I don't think they will introduce any new DSLR either.
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