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BeBu Lamar

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Everything posted by BeBu Lamar

  1. I don't really understand why one would need a protractor to understand lighting diagram.
  2. Simple would you sell your eye for 15K? Of course not so how can you even compare?
  3. But that's how you sell stuff. Remember when Apple sold their IPhone for high price at introduction and made great money. Later on they drop the price and the people who bought them at introduction started to complain. It's not Apple fault as they just know when they can sell them and for how much but they did give these people $100 back.
  4. High end car is worth a lot for a long time. After a few years high end digital cameras aren't worth much any more. Besides you are going to wait for any high end car you don't have to wait for the A1 or R3.
  5. It's a bad thing if you made something you can't sell but it's just about as bad if you sold something you can't make. I hope it's not the case but it would hurt Nikon seriously if they can't make them fast enough. I am confident the Z9 is a great product but if Nikon can't make enough of them for some reasons it's too bad. The demand will fade if people can't get their cameras for too long and they switch.
  6. It would be a flop if some how because of parts, material, covid etc... reason that Nikon couldn't make enough to fill the pre-order in a timely manner.
  7. It's possible but the prerequisite that the photo isn't cropped. When you crop all bets are off.
  8. The answer is simple. 1. If you want to go with the crowd then mirrorless it is as I don't think there will be new DSLR introduced. 2. Look thru the viewfinder of each. Try to manually focus with each. Which one do you like? The mirrorless has all the advantages over the DSLR in my opinion. Battery life is generally not as good but they fixed it now and the problem will be moot in the future. For me everything is better with the mirrorless except the EVF. I do not want the EVF so I stick with the DSLR but if you like the EVF it's all good. They said the DSLR has shutter and mirror to protect the sensor when you remove the lens but that is taken care of with new version of the mirrorless.
  9. I do think Nikon has less money than Sony and Canon. I do also think Nikon bet the farms on the Z9. The Z9 came close to the A1 and I think surpass the R3 at lower price than both. If the Z9 is a failure I think Nikon would be in a bad shape.
  10. I don't think I can build one from scratch for 50 pounds and the PB4 is expensive used. But I do think the price of the Novolfex is high but perhaps they can't sell a lot. In fact if they cay sell in the millions I think some manufacturers can actually make and sell them for $50 and making a profit.
  11. I don't think he said bad things about Nikon. He didn't say the Z9 was bad or any of the Nikon was bad camera. He said Nikon run out of money and perhaps Nikon does.
  12. If I use the Petri I use it but if I use another camera like Kodak Retina 2c I wouldn't bring the Petri with me.
  13. Actually none of the selenium meters I own is good except the built in meters on my 2 Petri 7s.
  14. I don't know but my 2 Petris are pretty good but my Weston Master II and a Sekonic are off by a couple of stops. I can guestimate better than that.
  15. My 2 petri 7s meters are pretty good too but I rather not using a selenium meter. I actually rather not use the meter than a selenium one.
  16. I have scanner too and I am happy with it except that it take over a minute to scan. For slides I don't need much tinkering either using camera or scanner but for negative using the camera takes much more work. I can adjust exposure and color balance manually (which I always do) with the scanner software. Using the camera I can do one in about 1 sec but if one uses focus stacking no more time saving here. So the only attraction of using the camera method is speed which focus stacking negates it.
  17. BeBu Lamar


    I did not consider the D300 when it was introduced not because it has merely 12MP as my current camera only has 16MP. But I would buy a DX camera. At the time in the Nikon line up only the D3 was considered acceptable for me. DX was a bad idea from the start. I do understand the cost of large sensor in the beginning so my decision was to wait.
  18. But many have scanners but no bellow. Bellows isn't cheap and as you know there is none made for the mirrorless.
  19. I don't see the advantage of using a camera over using a scanner except that the scanner generally takes seconds (or even minute) for 1 scan but if he does stacking it would take a lot more time than the scanner.
  20. BeBu Lamar


    I am kind of wondering why something like the D200 got the job done just fine for many years and it doesn't do it any more? Does it do any worse than when it was new?
  21. I think no mirrorless has bellow isn't that true? In fact I think the bellow is more useful with mirrorless.
  22. Perhaps starting with 28mm allows Nikon to offer the f/2.8 lens at the same price at the f/4 which started from 24mm?
  23. BeBu Lamar


    The main weakness of the D300 is it's a DX camera.
  24. If you think the mirrorless is better then you should go with mirrorless.
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