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BeBu Lamar

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Everything posted by BeBu Lamar

  1. I just got 2 very used Metz 45. One is the 45-CT4 and the other is the 45-CL4. The 45-CT4 is fine. Full power manual as I measured is GN125 in feet (short of the 145 specs but that is to be expected). But the 45-CL4 is only about GN 57 or so. Auto exposure is correct and if the distance or f/stop chosen is small it would not light the confirm light. So the autoexposure part is OK but the flash just can't have the power it's supposed to have. I check and compare the current draw on the 2 units. Initial draw about 7A on both unit but when the unit charged up the good CT4 still draw 0.5A while the CL4 only draws 0.25A. The ready light on the CL4 comes on very fast but leaving it on for a few minutes before firing does not result in more power (OK about 1/10 of a stop). I wonder what is the problem. I removed the cover, disconnect the capacitor and made capacitance measurement on both units with a DMM and they both show about 1500 microfarads. I wonder anyone has any idea?
  2. I don't think they have the courage to go as far as Leica but Leica is now doing much better than in the end of the flm era. Perhaps it's something Nikon want to copy. I don't think Nikon has the guts to introduce a digital camera without the LCD panel like Leica.
  3. One primary advantage of the D850 is that it has a lot more pixels than the Df. If you don't crop (or only crop slightly) and compare your image on a monitor (even a 4K one) and compare the entire image not a portion then the D850 loses the pixels advantage.
  4. I am not saying don't crop but in camera crop is not needed. Even when you use DX lenses you can look at the image in post then decide what you should crop. With FX lenses you can crop and keep the section that is not center.
  5. I guess so. If the number is burned in ROM then it can't be changed unless someone replace the ROM chip.
  6. I have heard this before and now a member from the other photo forum brought it up again. https://www.uglyhedgehog.com/t-756407-1.html#13528888
  7. I really don't see any use for all those crops. If I want to crop I can always crop them later besides I think the raw files are not cropped.
  8. Do you have grey market Nikon's? Nikon never asked if it's greay market and even if you give them the serial number and ask them if it's grey market they wouldn't know. However, after you sent it in they somehow know that it's grey market and refuse to fix it.
  9. I meant between a USA new and Gray new I would buy the USA version. However in the case of the OP he can't find a new USA one so I would pick the new gray rather than the used USA.
  10. I wouldn't buy a grey market if I can buy a new one because the discount isn't worth it to me. However, between a new gray market and a used one if the prices are the same I would pick the gray market. New camera is worth a lot more to me than a slightly used one.
  11. Yes you can get it serviced by Nikon USA because your camera isn't grey market. It was bought in the EU thru an authorized Nikon dealer. You will need to show receipt that you bought the camera there. If you buy a grey market from B&H the receipt would say it was sold by B&H in the USA and the camera wasn't destined for USA market.
  12. So I keep wondering how one can make a living fixing cameras.
  13. Your maximum aperture is f/5.6 and if you use ISO 100 in the brightest condition the shutter speed would be 1/800. If it's any less bright than that the shutter speed would have to be slower otherwise underexposure would occur.
  14. You need more light or turn the ISO higher.
  15. I bet you they won't fix the OP camera for $60. You can't make a living fixing a camera like the OP camera for any less than the price of a fully working camera.
  16. Almost all modern spotmeter can give you the same one LV reading with one push of the button just like the Pentax. The Pentax doesn't have the ability to convert that to aperture and shutter speed electronically so you have to do it with the dial. But one can always do it in his/her head.
  17. Don't buy if you think so. A lot of people were pissed off when Canon chose to abandon the FD lenses but that was the single decision that put Canon where it is today. Right now Canon is threatened by Sony in the mirrorless world and this decison to shut down third party lenses will be the single most important decision to keep Canon on top. Just wait and see.
  18. When I use the term quite I meant expensive. Anyway I am not interested in a flash of that power. I need more power.
  19. Nikon D2X and an F6 were released the same time. The D2X was twice or more the price of the F6 at the time. Today in similar condition the F6 cost a lot more than the D2X.
  20. Come to think of it I don't want to take pictures now that I didn't want to take back when I use film of course except for work. For work I have to take a lot of pictures with the phone.
  21. So it's about same power as top of the line Nikon. Quite expensive.
  22. Profoto A10 is rated at 75 Ws. Is it similar of more powerful than the Nikon SB-910?
  23. Back in the late 70's I thought highly of the OM but because I went with Nikon F2 I didn't have an OM. Later on I have an OM-2n and I don't think the OM are all that good.
  24. I would say the NiMH would recycle faster not the alkaline. Although the NiMH has lower voltage its voltage drops less during the very high current draw in recycling. I smoked some old Vivitar flash by using NiMH instead of alkaline.
  25. Film is fine just too expensive now. I just can't afford to use film any more but film is fun.
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