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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. Estimado Jorge, me gusta mucho el retrato, la mirada inocente de la infancia y la corona de hojas, símbolo siempre de la pureza de la victoria. En un primer vistazo, pensé llevaba la imagen una ligera textura, pero sea textura o en este caso un ISO alto, el ruido también es interesante en fotografía. No hay que tener miedo a los ISOs altos y más con una buena lente. Pueden dar mucho juego. Un retrato tierno y hermoso. La infancia una de las épocas más hermosas de la vida. Felicidades, muy bonita. Saludos y espero estés pasando buenas vacaciones de verano. Afectuosamente, Laura Marco.
  2. lauramarco

    Lonely tulip

    Dear Pierre, this is an image of great beauty. I think the tulip is not so lonely, it's side by side with its astounding beauty! Red is a very passionate color and combined with yellow, I can not stop thinking about my country and its colors :) a good symbol for me. I'm impressed by the sharpness and vivid colors. I love it! Congratulations. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  3. Dear Wayne, Yes...I've tried to freeze the feeling of suddenly finding everything broken into pieces. A bit of anger and the stillness of the moment, the shock of the discovery; as freezing what has just happened. I'm very glad that you like it. Thank you very much for your comment so good and positive and your always appreciated visit. Kindest regards, Laura M.
  4. lauramarco


    Dear Su, Field blur makes us directly go to look at the beautiful flower, at the elegant bud. Two little petals on each side balance perfectly the image. The colors are delicate and soft. The space above the flower and below is sufficient to let the eyes move freely. I love it. It's very delicate! Congratulations. Kindest regards, Laura M.
  5. Dear Pierre, I have seen the other version with the prohibited sign... but it seems they are the people who did not look back in order not to become statues of salt. She should look at the door of heaven with some "longing face" ... so to convince the angels. I feel ... I like the one with no prohibited sign. It would be possible at the end to be swallowed as in a backward vacuum. Your images do work the imagination!, they could be used in psychology, if they are guided by a good profesional in this field. Really. Kindest regards, Laura M.
  6. Dear Pierre, as for me the most beautiful in this image, it's the feeling of having created something like a tunnel of time and the clouds help to give us this kind of sensation, the cubic form, as well. The tombstones or similar means time of yesteryear, on the contrary, the woman, her dress, everything in her represents modernity. So there're significant contrasts. A very original idea, what comes after the woman? Future? Very soft tones in a harmonious combination. Congratulations Pierre. It's quite strange and compelling. I like it! Fondly, Laura M.
  7. Dear Pierre, It's very nice to read your comments, which are of my favourites. I'm glad that you've liked the atmosphere created in the photograph. Women and their China porcelain... mmmm it's a dangerous ground; we must take great care. Yes, I wanted to create a mood of: anger, incredulity and also sadness and a determination to find who did it. Thanks for your visit; I'm enjoying halfway between photography and the summer holidays. It's very nice to read your comments. Long time I see nothing from W. Staniford, any photos. I hope he goes well. Kindest regards and thank you very much for your appreciated visit. Positive comment and rating. Thank you indeed! Laura M.
  8. Gracias Miguel por su comentario positivo. Me alegro mucho le guste el ambiente creado con la luz. Encantada de su visita y un saludo. Laura M.
  9. The woman in the scene is worried about her china, what happened? I do not know ... Thank you for attention! Kindest regards.
  10. lauramarco

    Moorish Oven

    Dear Wayne, Thank you very much for your comment so encouraging and positive. I did had some doubts about the interaction between the model/dress and the surroundings. So, that's why I like and really appreciate your point of view, it takes away any doubt. Thank you very much for your comment about the composition and the lighting. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  11. lauramarco


    Caro Gianni, Grazie per i vostri saluti e commenti così bello e apprezzano l'immagine. Grazie per essere sempre lì. Le tue parole mi rendono felice. Affettuosamente. Laura M.
  12. lauramarco

    The Miller's Wife

    Wherever the wind takes me ... I'll be there ... no matter the hard work, if helped by the beat of your wings, I can dream. The sweet wind helps and the appreciated mill has already got its fine flour to make my bread. A simple and dreamed world.
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