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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. Dear Michael, yes ... I agree with you. Southern Spain is one of the most charming places to live. First of all, due to its people, with open and cheerful character, then due to its beaches, inland villages which are beautiful and quiet places, the best is the tranquility in life and time that elapses slowly. A beautiful landscape for photography, barren land dotted with olive trees. I see you stayed in the Province of Málaga, in several municipalities: Coín, Fuengirola etc. I was born and live in Murcia, 350 km away from Málaga, relatively near there. Murcia is a very beautiful land too, a Province with beautiful beaches and "huertas". Thanks for everything, I also wish you successful with your photography and greetings from Murcia, southern Spain :) Laura M.
  2. Thank you for your positive critique. For me... it's fantastic... you've liked the idea that I've tried to recreate in this work. Your feedback enriches my work and the time spent on it!, it encourages! Thanks for your pleasant visit. Kindest regards, Laura M.
  3. I wanted to see her like a doll, not one of those puppets with strings, those that one can move at will. As a doll, forgotten in a drawer with other toys ... stuck there, almost hidden. Quiet and sad ... sad? Not really, I've noticed that's the way she wants to be, just looking at life everyday. She's happy only by staring around and doesn't always want to play. If only she could close her eyes... she'd fall asleep... in that sweet golden light.
  4. lauramarco


    I'm very glad that you like this portrait... I put emphasis specially on the light and colors. Thank you for your positive feedback on my work and your appreciated visit. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  5. Dear Wayne,  Your words really touch me and I found them very direct and sincere. I don't know what to say to you... besides... thank you very much for your comment! so good and positive, that you leave in my work and your visit is always enjoyable. It's a pleasure to read your comments and appreciations on the images. Kindest regards, Laura Marco. 
  6. Dear Pierre, If you haven't seen the loot at first sight, then it's a success for me... because I want nothing to shine more than the woman, nothing should attract more the attention than her, everything is secondary :) Need more jewelry, money ...? ineffective politicians have left Spain all empty. The necklace is the one that I've used in my wedding and so much money is necessarily a loan :) A big hug and thank you for your comments so animated! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  7. Dear Pierre, Thanks for your visit as enjoyable and interesting as ever. I love it!. I can read also the ideas that you tell me about the image, but: - Look at her feet, look at the money and jewelry, she's hidden, waiting for his partner in the theft, she's already got what everyone wants: the loot. She's got it!. Just need to grab it and run, searching not to be seen, she's still in the darkness and wants to get away with the loot. - They play inside, drink and smoke, feeling confident and secured. They think everything is in order and don't know that the woman has beaten them, playing astutely. She steals with her love, Clyde. - Her face is tired, in pain, not knowing how to go on without him ... she's injured... - She keeps still in the center, behind the single piece of opaque wall and doesn't wish loneliness, is waiting for him, his buddy. Searching for an escape, and not to attract the attention of people inside and in case things go badly ... she's not afraid, read: "it'll be none left alive" ... Ummm ... my nature is very peaceful. This is the recreation of an idea of mine and for me this means thinking about a life of hazard, risk and full of adrenaline. I'm not saying that the life of a housewife is bad or boring, but who has not dreamed of living intensely? Everyone wants what is at her feet. Confident inside, half drunk, unaware that she's advancing them, clever ... she's waiting for her love and then fly together ... :) Thank you for your appreciation of the image Pierre. It's very valuable to me. Thank you for all! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  8. You said to me: "You'll never be alone, I'll be always by your side" ... where the hell are you, Clyde ?, my leg hurts, tension doesn't let me think clearly. We two ... we can get through this... together ... it'll be left none alive, I've got no fear. Where are you? Clyde... where are you, my love? ...
  9. Dear Sue, I like this image where only the presence of the human figure conveys the idea of how huge the trees are. Thanks to that person with the sunshade, we can realize the scale. These trees are unfamiliar to me, but I can perceive them thanks to be human reference :) The white line at the base, this line of force leads our eyes towards the person and then to the real size. Congrats for this image, kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  10. Dear Giangiorgio, An image with a lot of harmony. Curves, circles (in this case an ellipse) confer much harmony to the images. The flamenco breaks the aesthetic by standing at one of the two focuses of the ellipse and it takes for him all the attention. The gold is spectacular. Congrats for the image! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  11. lauramarco

    Audrey and Flowers

    Dear Henry, The image is full of charm and romance. A table for two. The vase looks like if it was been taken out of an oil canvas. Very soft colors. Just look at this place and feel like sitting there. "Exudes" intimacy. Congrats! Laura Marco
  12. lauramarco

    A girl on Fool's day

    Dear Pierre, A very nice picture, I like it!. The girl is really lovely on Fool's Day. As others have said, you have made a good use of the flash, but in order to avoid distractions from behind, to avoid strong colors, you can get the right background just stepping left or right, one or two steps... and look for gray and black colors. It's true that children want never to wait too much to get their photos. If the camera was compact, I think the macro may be used to blur the background. Anyway it's a beautiful portrait. Congrats Pierre! and kindest regards! Laura Marco.
  13. Dear Jorge, A snapshot to remember. A very beautiful and sweet indirect look, a perfect portrait. To remember a lifetime. Elegant dress and a radiant bride. Her soft makeup is perfect. Very warm colors in the shot. There's much tenderness in her eyes and in other snapshots there's also much anticipation for the arrival of the moment. I can imagine the portrait will be a good family memory and it was worth moving from place for the wedding. Congratulations to the family. Kindest regards. Laura Marco.
  14. lauramarco

    Locked Love

    Jorge, creo entiendo lo que me comentas de poner una imagen a "rating". Debe ser que conecte con los demás, que no importa tanto la nota final como "haber llegado a los demás" o "tener algo que trasmitir" :) Me alegro te guste Locked Love © 2014, esa es mi guitarra clásica, es una ADMIRA Modelo María. Te dejo un detalle de la cerradura. Gracias por tus comentarios tan buenos. Saludos. Laura Marco http://www.cahier-brouillon.com/Detalle.jpg
  15. Thank you Brendan for your positive comment and appreciation of this image. Yes... I agree with you that a direct eye contact could have been nicer or more powerful. I'm glad you like it. Kindest regards! Laura Marco.
  16. Thank you Jorge, for your positive feedback and appreciation of this image! I'm very glad you like all those nuances :) Kindest regards, Laura Marco
  17. lauramarco


    Muchas gracias Jorge por todo lo que me dices. Me dejas muy contenta. Yo lo que sí que siento, es que apenas he acabado con una imagen, ya estoy pensando en la siguiente... jajaja... ¡eso es bueno, la mente dando vueltas a una idea!. No he visto la película, pero me halaga mucho la comparación. Gracias de nuevo, por tus valoraciones y comentarios tan positivos y que me dan muchos ánimos. Un abrazo, Laura Marco.
  18. Thanks Jorge for your good feedback and I'm glad that you like this image. The dress... I've sewn it for using in this photo, just in two days! :) It's nice that you find it elegant. It's made of chiffon. Yes... the woman was very sophisticated and proudly. I'll try to enjoy the holidays too. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  19. lauramarco


    Dear Jorge, The relationship of Spain, not only political, but above all cultural, social and its identity bound to Cuba, is something that can not be changed in our common history. Essayists, poets, writers (Generation 98) were greatly affected by the separation. Without going into complex political issues, it's really true that our culture will be interrelated forever and there're many photographers from many countries who have been attracted by Cuba and its great beauty, not only the country, but by its people as well. I hope you soon have the opportunity to travel to Spain. You will surely like your stay and Spanish people wait with open arms. The castanets sound magically, with flamenco footwork :) Thanks for your comment so positive and so good evaluation of the image. Kindest regards, Laura Marco
  20. lauramarco


    Dear Pierre, Thanks for everything, for your comment so very positive about this image. It's a skylight in the wall, there is no door. I took the photo a few days ago, at nap-time, with a blazing sun high in the sky and cicadas singing with a nonstop sound, to get really crazy. But ... I recently read: "The magic vision of the world depends on what we fell, not on what we see" Franco F. I felt a sunset and a gentle atmosphere. This is part of the magic in photography, among other things, an important field to explore. That's the reason why... I appreciate your definition of "painterly", because it's the nicest comment I've ever heard related to a kind of image like this one. Thank you very much and for your high rating, so good, too. Very much appreciated. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  21. lauramarco


    It seems that she doubts if dance ... if start doing anything else or continue sitting there, just thinking and relaxing in the warm, magic light of the dusk. Is it a moment of rest or a moment of great doubts? only she knows the answer ... Probably she's not going to dance, she does not feel very comfortable in the end...
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