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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. Dear Jim, Wow! you leave me with a big smile on my face As far as I know ... this is the first of my images that it's saved into a favorites folder. I feel lucky and a privileged. Thank you so much for everything... for your comment so positive and for your rating so good! Your visit is very pleasant. Warm regards, Laura Marco
  2. Dear Pierre, Animals have a special way to capture people's aurea. Added that women have a "wonderful and delicate" don't-know-what, then it isn't strange that your Nera, will always like and seek your wife and only be by yourself :) just for food. Just kidding! :) It is true that they are very intelligent and can recognize the good side in people, especially they grow fond of children and love them. In this case it is not a dog. It is the eye of a donkey. There is a barn near the river and when taking potos, it kept moving its head without stopping, and to take the desired angle was difficult. I tried doing a bit of social criticism. Writers and painters, artists in general have always used Art to express their ideas and fight for freedom. I live in a small town, I suffered many prejudices with my images and I keep fighting for artistic and personal freedom, for all but especially for women. The input for review: "Judging, loving, many prejudices, fears ... all are in the eye of the beholder, not in what he / she is looking at." A donkey is looking at an angel :) The message is also very important in photography. Forget prejudices in advance for speech and freedom, is my message. Thank you so much for your comment as well, very good rating and your visit so precious. I feel lucky. Warm regards, Laura Marco
  3. lauramarco

    We Are Watching

    I'm very sorry to hear about that!. It's a masterpiece. I'm sending you a lot of encouragement. You're both essential and special!   We all do love you and we all really appreciate you very much!.   CHEERS TO THAT! ha! ha! Warm regards, Laura Marco  
  4. Judging, loving, some prejudices... all are in the eye of the beholder, not in what he/she is looking at.
  5. lauramarco

    We Are Watching

    Dear Pierre, What mostly catches my attention is the velvety sensation/look of feathers and warm colors. The main symbol is the eye evidently, an eye that can see everything, that monitorizes all. "The almighty eye" (I've got a little fear). Many windows, many offices, but all gives the feeling of being inside empty, since men walk across the rooftops. Hiper-sized men. The direction of their walking takes us out of the image. They're not in their natural place (inside the building or on the ground), perhaps it conveys the feeling that anything is OK, we are not at our place, none of us. The sky still retains warm tones. Very symbolic, I really like it!. A mixture of dark and warm colors. Warm regards, Laura Marco. P. S. You're quieter than usual, I hope everything goes well. Many greetings from Spain.
  6. lauramarco


    Dear Ruud, Thank you for your feedback and positive comment on the image. I really appreciate them :) Your visit is always very pleasant. Warm regards, Laura Marco.
  7. lauramarco


    Dear Andrey, The lighting of the flowers at the bottom is awesome. A subtle and delicate lighting. A backlight ... masterfully done! The colors are very elegant and well chosen. You've got an amazing and very special delicacy to perceive the images and their artistic side. Color, light, composition ... everything. Nothing escapes from your details. You leave me impressed. Personally... I really love dark areas. Congratulations! Warm regards, Laura Marco.
  8. lauramarco

    Dutch traffic... 258

    Dear Ruud, You're a wizard to capture scenes of everyday life in the street, to show people living their daily lives. No one stays still till the sound of "click" of the camera. A good job, a good hunter. What I like most is the struggle presented: pollution - easy means vs. ecology - more personal effort. The driver puts his hand on his chin flaunting patience, "I have to move more slowly" - he thinks, at the rate imposed by the bikes. The bikes have won. They are in front of the bus, at the right, at the left..., healthy & ecologic living!. I love the contrast between the face of the driver, full of pacience and the little frightened face of the woman on the right. Setting the speed of the giant. Your sharpness is fantastic. I think that PhotoNet should show only original sizes of the images uploaded, reduced sizes lose much in colour and sharpness, I think... Congratulations!, warm regards. Laura Marco.
  9. lauramarco

    Textured sunset

    Dear Rosario, The texture in the image is a very successful choise, the edges have a lot of charm, with reminiscents of scroll. We could feel sad or melancholic with the sunset (something that ends), but it's offset with the feeling of freedom thanks to the flying birds. It's a bittersweet mixture and very beautiful. The waves swept towards the shore and towards those who are looking at the sunset, many feelings of nostalgia. Soft colors, predominantly warm. The sun has got the relevance and birds are in a second place. It's the king, no doubt!. Congratulations, very good choice the texture used!. Warm regards! Laura Marco.
  10. lauramarco


    Dear Rosario, Thanks for your visit and your comment so good and always so interesting. Yes, I used a vignette in a creatively way because I saw that the stones distracted a lot and I wanted to bring the gaze to the center, also it sometimes tends to work giving a special aurea. Better not to abuse, but occasionally they're fine, I like them a lot!. It is true that when taking potos, we end doing incredible things, if we were able to look at ourselves, we would laugh!, we'll do anything to get closer to what we want. Without realizing, my chin and lower lip sometimes make as a monopod... ha! ... Is "love", for sure!. I'll try in monochrome, thanks!. Warm regards, Laura Marco.
  11. lauramarco


    It's not easy to sit on stones and put the "bum" as if we were sitting on cotton and even... dry grass ... so pretty in the eyes... and the truth is that it's too prickle!. Walking by a scree is difficult, without thinking that there might be many bugs ... it might be the love for photography, I'm sure! yes... I'm accompanied by a serin, a good company!.
  12. lauramarco

    Ruined house

    Dear Pierre, I love this image!. Looks like in a "cartoon" place. "Enchanted House" by Mickey Mouse in B&W. Have you seen it? When Death is playing the piano and tells Mickey: "Playyyyy!" ... Congratulations on your technique, the result is quite original. Simply, it does not seem easy to be done, I agree with AJ Bart, it has much merit. I've often been under those ruined rooftops to take photos, a bit afraid it might fall all over me and even I went to the second floor, climbing stairs that no one uses more, where rain rages, there're many leaks ... but the photos are awesome, the best!. Places full of memories, people forgotten in time, full of dreams. I really love that places. Congratulations and best wishes. Warmest regards! Laura Marco
  13. lauramarco


    Dear Pierre, Thank you for this very honest review. Yes, it's me... I think I understand well when people try to find a parallelism between the texts and the images. My friends say to me... I'm a very versatile person and that the more they know me, the less they think that they really know me, a paradox. I'm a soul full of contrasts and I like to express them with images. There're happy or sad, melancholic or full of adventure days. Life is an adventure. Heartfelt thanks for appreciating this photo. I sometimes find time where I do not have to be working on them (as many of you) as a way to take out feelings that fill me inside. It's hard being both in front of and behind the objective. Have to like what's being done. And thanks a lot for your compliments, you make me very happy. "I say... cheers to that!" ... I love this expression of yours :) Warmest regards, Laura Marco
  14. lauramarco

    PANAM AIR 1960'S

    Dear Jorge, No doubt this event is an opportunity to have a unique snapshot of this company and its staff, so well known. You have frozen their eternal smiles, these hostesses always in blue, always waving their hands up, all so gorgeous. Until the umbrella carries the colours of the iconic company. They have been missing white gloves and go arm clasped together. You attend many events, it's very interesting for us. A very spontaneous shot, the woman on the right looks like if all her life has been airhostess, maybe... Some observers at the bottom! Congratulations! warmest regards, Laura Marco.
  15. lauramarco

    Rural Life

    Dear Jorge, Wow ... you make me so happy! I also have it as desktop background these days on my PC. Thank you very much !, so good to hear ... I'm glad you've liked this image. Land and nature will be deeply rooted in Humanity forever. No matter how sophisticated our lives can be, we're stardust... and will return there. Thanks for your visit so pleasant, your positive comment and your rating! Warmest regards, Laura Marco
  16. lauramarco


    Dear Ruud, Thank you very much for your positive comment about this image. I'm really glad you've liked the compositon and the lighting. Your visit and critique are very much appreciated! Thank you! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  17. lauramarco

    Working... 502

    Dear Ruud, They carry on their back fatigue and severity of hard workers, or better to say: very concentrated, responsible workers they seem, hunched forward at what they're doing ... indirect eye contact... all work well. The eternal stone lion, watching their steps. It seems... it would have no mercy on them. I like the image ... the blurred background and the sharpness are fantastic!. Congratulations, compliments! Kindest regards, Laura Marco
  18. Dear Sue, This image conveys me the meaning of something like "eternity". Same patterns of forms, same pieces that repeat guided by lines towards the background, they could continue this way infinitely. A large space full of harmony and the worker got lost in this harmonious space, or does he know his way?. The lines lead our gaze to the worker. It could have been a farmer working in a huge field, water flooded recently and now it's half ground and half water. With small plots, carefully arranged and maintained. Perhaps I place the man a little lower, on the third. Man suggests effort. Seems particularly watched after rain. I really like it, congratulations! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  19. lauramarco

    Rural Life

    Hello Alf!, Thanks for your comment so interesting; you describe it with words that sound sweet to my ears, such as: "timeless existence, contentedness, priceless" etc ... so sweet, I also perceive it that way. I think there're a lot of happiness in simple things, maybe ... About the lights ... there're two types of lights used in this image: natural and artificial. Sources of natural light coming from the door-opening in the background, from the small window and another door-opening (wide space) at the right that is not seen in the image, I scrapped it... in order to give simplicity. Furthermore, the woman is photographed with artificial light from softboxes, so that all suits a global general light. I hope my comment will be useful. I've played with different types of lights and taken care of colours ... all to create this atmosphere as you described "timeless". I personally like the result. Thank you very much for your kind visit and comment so nice, it helps me to go on!. Thank you very much!, kindest regards, Laura Marco
  20. lauramarco

    Two from the rear

    Dear Pierre, Looking at the image... above all... I have the feeling I'm missing something important that only the sunflowers are watching and know. I have the need to ask: hello, what's going on? Seen this way, it's another point of view, innovative and different view, I think. I feel like a spectator, who does not come to see the stage. They seem somewhat gossipy both together :) The yellow is very bright, very nice and attractive. Congratulations, Kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  21. lauramarco


    Dear Pierre, I'm intrigued by this image of the scales. Number three is fine, the odd numbers work, but I'm thinking about the meaning it may convey ... and especially my eyes are drawn to the part of the clearest wood between the two scales on the left. That clarity makes the photo be charged on that side. Maybe, it's a bit distracting... Then the scales are a treasure, I have to say... very beautiful :) I'd take care of lights and bright in the background at the left side and think about the role of the third scale, but ... I have to tell you I like the picture and I hope my comment would be useful for you. Substance... it does has got!, I like your images, there's sparkle on them. You are very creative!. Kindest regards, Laura Marco
  22. lauramarco

    Rural Life

    Dear William, Thank you very much for your positive comment; it's very nice you've liked the tones and atmosphere in this image, I'm glad to hear about that... and very grateful for your positive input and pleasant visit. It encourages me to go on!. Thank you and kindest regards, Laura Marco.
  23. lauramarco

    Rural Life

    Dear Pierre, Thanks for your pleasant visit and your positive and helpful comment, always so nice. Sorry that I could not answer you before. I agree that this kind of harder life would be reflected in people. More hours under the sun, fatigue ... I think I speak that way (about a happy life), because of my fondness for nature and a simple life. I like what a big city can offer, but for a while, then always wish to return to a quiet and peaceful environment. Love for peace, silence, waiting till the sun sets on the horizon. Those kind of things. I'm glad you like these pictures in this sort of environment. They're my favorite too, though I sometimes try to do new things. Thanks for everything: for your comment, rating and feedback so positive!. Kindest regards, Laura Marco
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