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I admit that it's not easy to occupy that empty chair, that empty

space, to sit next to me. Must be frustrating sometimes, I do not

know exactely... but I prefer to see emptiness to a lack of



I don't like the truth that comes drop by drop to finally end in a

misunderstanding. I haven't got any rational within me, all is

assimilated by breathing through my chest, like a big colander full of

holes with different shapes. I do not know the reason of their forms,

or what I will feel, it's unexplained and un expected, but it's what

ends by making me react to life and encourages me.


The empty chair represents absence and loneliness.

Hope you like it. I'll appreciate your comments on the technical side,

colours, or whatever this work makes you feel.


Thank you!

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Absence, the empty chair ... I like your thoughts, and how you've worked the image. The surroundings are interesting, I like the colors too, the lighting, the pose and expression of woman.  I think she contrast too much, and I would like that she also had some texture, to be consistent with the background. 




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Dear Rosario, first of all I want to thank you for your nice and helpful, constructive comment. I'm really glad that you've liked the atmosphere and the colours and description of the woman's feelings.

Your idea about melting the woman in a light texture is really interesting and makes me think and consider it a lot, so thank you, I definitely grow with the different points of view of others, for me the comments written here are like bits of wisdom, alone... we cannot perceive it all. With some texture she'd get involved in the background and the whole perception of the scene.

So, thanks for your nice visit and your appreciation!

Kindest regards. Laura M.

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Hi, Laura


As usually you said it all in your introduction text! I see this picture also as an expression of loneliness, loneliness in poverty I may add cause I can't neglect the half ruined environment, the pot, the mess on the floor...!


On the other hand the environment might also express tradition and traditional life, maybe I should better say past time of simplicity and poverty! Therefore I can hardly accept the fancy pose with legs crossed, it goes more with modernity, female self awareness, emancipation etc!


However, I sure accept all as a fine and a bit harsh work of art! The lighting, the environment, the mood, the facial expression...all is very strong and impressive! 


Best regards




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A well thought out and posed tableau . I see the connection of the title with the empty chair , although I can't imagine anyone wanting to sit in such an enviroment ! The setting looks like a neglected and disused cellar .  When I spotted the picture on the mantle shelf I thought that you had adopted a similar pose , maybe next time ! P.S. I like your latest Bio. Pic . Bill

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Dear Pierre, thanks for your comments, always so positive.


I really love your honesty because I learn from it a lot. Yes ... I think you're right, the fact is that I can't stop part of my character from staying in the picture and maybe I cannot either hide my self-confidence and modernity.


Really... with your words you make me use my imagination and it flies and runs away with different possibilities ... maybe dirty, ragged clothes? the face could be a little dirty, could it be so?... ummmm these are interesting ideas, thanks for your appreciations and thanks as well for your appreciated visit and support.


Your comments are always outstanding and I appreciate that.


Fondly... Laura M.

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Dear Bill, what I wanted was to present a distinct and different place or scene and compare it to the inside of people, to human soul.

Not in relation to a dirty or untidy place, but comparing to loneliness, difficulties, like a forgotten soul. The place is a mirrow for solitude. It's true that the pose has not been very successful :) I think Pierre and you are right, but I expect to get a better one next time.

Glad you like my Bio Pic, I will change it soon. I love to change it from time to time.

Heartfelt thanks for your visit so appreciated, and your support and your comments always so positive.

It is a pleasure for me to read you here, I am so grateful!.

I have better poses and facial expressions, I continue working ... I love doing it; I am also incurable!

Fondly.... Laura M.

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