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Everything posted by c_watson1

  1. Recently noticed Rooney Mara in the 2015 film "Carol" being handed what looks like an Argus C3--period correct for the mid-50s setting.
  2. Show me the production numbers, not promo blather. Current film material prices are extortionate. Besides, why aren't long-gone film labs rising from the dead to service the explosion(sic) in film use? Just askin'... BTW, nice film porn still life!
  3. Just more bluesky magical thinking about the storied--and unconvincingly-documented--"film comeback." Seriously? Only Leica's auditors and accountants will fill us in on actual sales next year. Till then, the fanboys are just guessing.
  4. Been here since '97 in various guises and do recall Lex but not with an abundance of warm memories. Amusing but acerbic--make that borderline bitchy.
  5. Shelf queen unless you're willing to plump for some pricey film: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1598311-REG/kodak_127portra160_portra_160_color_negative.html
  6. Dollar store AAs are plentiful and dirt cheap. Why take a chance? But then if using disposables keeps you up at night...
  7. Another zombie thread. Obsolete/unsupported gear.
  8. Seriously, John? 19 years? It is an issue in that it shows an embarrassing lack of site traffic.
  9. Any chance of culling/locking these damned zombie threads?
  10. A ghost of what it was. Stagnant backwater now.
  11. With the OVF, I just pretend I'm shooting a Leica M3...
  12. Fine and understood. I still get paper and online with the NYT and The New Yorker, both old comforts wherever I'm roosting. Both, though, offer "enriched" online versions that make a subscription worthwhile, Suppose I believe "pay more get more" actually does work in these cases.
  13. All the time. Like the non-WYSIWIG/outside-the-frame view. Saves batteries.
  14. The information is out there, especially for outré content that, often, ain't free. Your loss. US$25/month for that much content? Seriously... Coppola's Priscilla owes a crapload to Callis.
  15. Just the same thing millions did daily for years. Doesn't make you a more highly-evolved being. Just somebody who shoots film. Not a life-altering, spiritual experience. Happy you're happy but don't diss people who don't share your rapture winding a film camera.
  16. Guess you seldom read CNN Style or the NYT...
  17. I ditched C-41 35mm and 120 for digital. I still like the look of 120 b&w DSLR-scanned. Keeps the old Mamiya and Bronica gear limber.
  18. So digital photographers are mostly mindless shop-a-holics and victims of aspirational advertising? My average weekly lab bill from a decade ago for around 5 rolls of 35(c-41, E-6, b&w) and a couple 120s at current prices+plus scans would more than cover my trailing edge digital buys...
  19. Go for it. You're a certified exotic.Make it work for you. Unless you have a painful "teuchter" accent, it's content that matters most. I've gained from YouTube "how-tos" from around the planet. Try it...
  20. Seriously? Think about teaching people how to shoot film. Sounds silly but showing how exposure latitude works, how to use an ambient and/or spot meter, how to measure contrast--all voyages of discovery for film rookies. Film ain't cheap in late 2023 and knowing how to boost the "keeper" quotient seems a mystery for friends I've helped.
  21. With respect, most film shooters already have this sorted out. Surviving labs typically offer process/scan packages. DIY C-41 and b&w developers usually have a scanning set-up that suits them. It might work if you're surrounded by 120 shooters but, again, most have it worked out through labs or DIY workflow. Archival scanning of shoeboxes of old negatives and slides likely won't fly. One-offs might but only with volume in the right community.
  22. The bit in question came on the bottom end of my Manfrotto CLB's center column. It attached via a click button. Detach it, yank out the center column, and put it where the column once was, then attach a head to the standard threaded bolt on top. Suspect Manfrotto may sell these separately. Worth casting around for. Might be better, likely cheaper, than the over-engineered German solution.
  23. Though I've got one, there's apparently no part# on a hard plastic bit that fit into the top of the 055 and others that allow a direct mount of a head minus column. Anyone recall these?
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