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hjoseph7 last won the day on June 5 2021

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About hjoseph7

  • Birthday 12/12/1960

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  1. I might run it past the people at Nikon and see what they have to say... The thing is, I noticed this flare thing immediately after the first shots. I then took the camera out for a spin outdoors a few days ago and did not run into any problems. Then again I wasn't really looking for high contrast scenes.
  2. That's my D7000 in the background with a Nikkor 50mm f1.2 lens installed in reverse on a PB-4 extension bellows. I just hate to take the whole thing appart..
  3. I took 2 pictures one with the Nikon D750 and another with the Canon 6D. The first picture is the Nikon. Both pictures were taken with the same parameters( iso, aperture, shutter speed). Notice how the eerie glow extends past the window on the Nikon. You really can't see too much diiference now because too much light is hitting the room. I would have to wait unit it gets a little darker outside.
  4. I tried that the room turned out pretty dark. The ISO was at 640.
  5. I recently purchsed a Used Nikon D750. I got to admit it's a great camera. While testing the camera I noticed that in some high contrast scenes(not alll), the highlights seem to be over blown to the point where there is this eerie glow around them ? I have not noticed this from any of my other cameras including my Nikon D7000. Take a look at the picture below and tell me if this is normal or not ? Please excuse the place my AC is getting repaired. I also noticed this eerie glow when I have the lamps shown in the foreground are turned on. On this picture I focused and exposed about 2/3 up on the pole holding the AlienBee strobe.
  6. Very good point. If the only reason I purchased my fancy printer was to make money, then I would be doing a diservice to myself. If this was the only way for me to put food on the table and/or pay my bills, then I would not enjoy printing very much. Actually I started out as a printer before I ever got into photography. I was running 2-color and 3-color printers for a couple of years, then migrated to a Multilith for a little while, before I decided to go back to school. I got sick and tired of comming home with ink under my fingernails. Running a multilith printer is very similar to making ink-jet prints, but it's actually closer to making prints in the darkroom. Both processes use negatives, the difference is that the Multilith negative looks more like a large sheet of metal. Both processes allow you to make multiple copies off a single negative. Given my past involvement with printing, I have always tried to include it in my Photography, although it was not always possible. These days most people post their pictures on the web and forget about it. I guess there is some type of satisfaction in doing that, but remember the good old days when there was no internet ? Prints were the only way we could show off our work. Often, the only people who actually saw our work was friends or family, unless you were lucky enough to work for a magazine, or have your prints displayed in a gallery. I have no problems with making prints for myself, but if I can help someone who doesn't have access to a printer, or who does not have the neccessary skills, then maybe I can get some satisfaction from doing that and make a couple of extra bucks while I'm at it... PS. I'm open to constructive criticsm...
  7. This is more of a "side-hussle", to supplement my retirement income. No big deal. My son is going to help me draw customers thorough his social-media contacts, something I usually stay away from. If I listened to all the nay sayers throughout my life, who knows where I would be right now ? Maybe on public assistance being scorned by my nay sayers, how ironic. Some say the best way to learn is through your mistakes...
  8. No sense of pulling the rug from under my feet. Your experience is yours to keep, it certainly is not mine. Actually I visited a lot of print shops, Adorama, Shutterfly ect and their return policies are not that different from mine. I do on-site printing occasionally such as car shows, with my Sinfonia CS2 printer, but I'm getting a little to old to drag that equipment around. Thanks again for your support ...
  9. ""I'm very sorry that you were dissatisfied with the prints. Please return them to me. Once I have received them, I will refund the full purchase price, and I will absorb the cost of my shipping multiple copies to you." This sounds good ! I was so desperate getting a customer that I bent over backwards to try to please them. Then I said to myself suppose this happens again ? I have since written the Refund Policy as well as Terms of Service directly on the order page so they can read it if they choose to do so.
  10. I would think that after 15 years the lamp on your Epson 4490 has probably dimmed a little to the point where it might be affecting your scans. Of course, if you rarely used your scanner (like me) then that 15 years might not mean that much. The V750/850 is supposed to be on a higher level than the 4490 and has slightly better specs, but if you are only scanning prints then I doubt you will see any discernable difference in your scans. Unfortunately the 4490 is no longer for sale, so you might be stuck with the V750/850. I have the V750 myself. I purchased it during the height of the digital revolution when film was still a viable option, well at least more viable than it is today. I also purchased a dedicated 35 film scanner and mostly use the V750 for medium format(120) film. The V850 would be a very expensive option (@ $1200) a whopping $400 over the V750 ! The specs are about the same, but the V850 uses LED lights (vs cold cathode), which do not have a warm-up time. I admit that my V750 does takes a little time to warm up, but it takes about as much time as it does to pour a cup of coffee for myself, so I don't see upgrading any time soon. Another advantage of the V850 is better high pass optics lens according to Epson and better negative holders. However, you can purchase the same negative holders for the V750. If i was you, I might look into the much cheaper but still very good Canon scanners. I don't have much information on the Cannon scanners, but some people swear by them. For more information take a look at this site: https://www.filmscanner.info/en/
  11. I have several metal equipment cases that I use to store my equipment. Although I didn't purchased them for things like Tornadoes, or any other act of nature. They might have survived if that were the case, but I would probably still have to find them. They are labeled (Canon) (Nikon) (Film) (Misc) etc, etc.
  12. Tell you the truth, I would be totally devastated. I have photographer's insurance and homeowners insurance, but I'm not sure what is covered ? I use to keep a bag with all my purchase-receipts, but no longer do that because I can always pull them up from confirmation emails on my computer. They only go back so far though. My kids are grown and out of the house, so that's one thing less and other than a fish-tank I don't have any pets. The reason why I posted this is because last year my neighborhood got hit by a tornado. I was out shooting some properties that day and on my return back home I got caught in the lingering effects of the tornado. I tried to reach my home, but the area was cordoned off by the National Guard and the police, it was total chaos ! Finally I found a place to park my car, so I started walking towards my home. I had to walk 10 or so blocks through all type of debris, downed trees, downed wires, cars and truck flipped over, homes totally demolished it was like Apocalypse Now ! The closer I got to my home the worse it got. I began thinking to myself oh no, why me, all my stuff, the stuff I spent years aquiring is probably gone. All those reviews I read trying to purchase the perfect item, not just photo equipment. All those bids on ebay ! From the look of the destruction, I don't see how any of that stuff could have survived. Fortunately for me, when I reached my block there was no major damage, just minor damage. Everything was still standing. When I opened the door and gingerly looked insidet, some of the stuff that was hanging on the walls had fallen. We had no electricity, or water but that's about it. My fish were doing fine like nothing happened and all of my equipment was intact. I drew a huge sigh of relief. Later on I suffered from survivors-guilt, but to tell you the truth, I'm glad, better I was very grateful it wasn't me ...
  13. Yes that is a terrible job of printing. Usually I don't set RAW files only(jpeg, dng, or tiff). I make all the adjustments before printing prior to send it to the printer. If its a busy shop, they are not going to take the time to do extensive edits which is probably what happened here.
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