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Everything posted by LenMarriott

  1. Canon A540, 'P' mode, Handheld, 1/320 @ f4, 13.7mm (82mm equiv). Minor cropping & levels in PS. Best, LM.
  2. LenMarriott

    Sunnidale Park

    Canon A540, Shutter priority mode, handheld, 1/250 @f4.5. -1/3 stop compensation, Auto ISO, 15.8 mm (95mm equiv). Spotted while wandering through the park, mid Oct. Prints are awesome.
  3. LenMarriott

    Soccer Balls

    Canon A540 on Program mode. ISO 400 1\1250 @ f5.6 & 18.4mm (111mm equiv), Handheld. +1 saturation to boost colours. USM and resizing in PS. Best, LM.
  4. LenMarriott

    Mat Abstract

    Abstract grab shot of mat for pre-schoolers when seated on floor for 'Story Time'. Canon A540, 'P' mode & ISO 400. Best, LM.
  5. Our family's (grandson's, actually) Betta fish, 'Goldie'. 1\60 @ f11, Vivitar 283 on Manual shot through white umbrella. Best, LM.
  6. LenMarriott


    Tripod, cable release. Auto exposure @ f16. Spotted in a farm field while wandering around Creemore On. area.
  7. LenMarriott

    Wetzlar Candid

    Handheld Leica M2, possibly a 90 or 135mm lens, Plus-X film. From my Wetzlar 'walkabout'.
  8. Handheld (braced) 1/30 @ f4 as per Minolta IVF meter (incident mode). Best, LM.
  9. LenMarriott

    Itsy Bitsy

    Tripod & cable release, 1/60 @ f5.6. (for narrow DOF) Beautiful spotlighting from sun failed when sun disappeared so I had to emulate the sun with flash. Illuminated by Vivitar 283 off camera @ f5.6. Converted to B&W in PS using Channel Mixer & 100% red filter. Minor USM. Best, LM.
  10. Tripod & cable release. Auto Exposure @ f16 with polarizing filter. Slight levels & USM in PS plus framing. Patiently waited about 10 min. for this lone cloud to move to where I wanted it. The result (happily) is exactly as I had envisioned it (in B&W) at the time. Converted in PS using Channel Mixer & 100% red filter. Best, LM.
  11. LenMarriott

    Trading Post

    Minolta MD 100-300 f5.6 @ about 100mm. About 4 sec. @ f11, measured by in camera meter. Tripod mounted with cable realease. The symmetry of this one is broken only by the barrel and the sign above it. The warm light from the fixture contrasted by the cool evening ambient light drew me to this shot. Best, LM.
  12. LenMarriott

    Cut Glass Patterns

    Winter boring you? Try a still life or two. Single flash bounced into foamcore background was the only light source for this photo. 1/60, f22 Desaturated in PS.
  13. ISO 800 film rated at 500, f11, Auto exposure with +1 compensation for the mist. Tripod, cable release. Your comments will be gratefully received, your ratings less so. Let's read what's on your mind! Best, LM.
  14. Closing out the Brown Trout season on the Grand River. Backlight is a friend for shots like these. 1/250 f11 handheld. Scanned from 4x6 print. Slightly sharpened in PS. Best, LM.
  15. All 9 eggs of this Trumpeter swan had hatched just the day before. Only time for a couple of shots & they were gone. Swan tagged for monitoring.
  16. LenMarriott


    Grab shot upon seeing the sunlight through venetian blinds striking these carvings and the shadows they caused on the wall. (one of those 'cabin fever' days with below 0 temperatures in mid winter).
  17. Minolta XG-M, 100mm MD macro, f22 Auto. Flash fill (-2 stops)
  18. LenMarriott

    The Wannabe

    Minolta XG-M, 135mm f3.5 MD@ f5.6, 1/250. Candid at air show.
  19. LenMarriott

    Forest Path

    Bronica SQ Ai, 80mmPS, 1/8 sec, f32. Tripod, & mirror up, of course. Heavy overcast. Incident reading from location of tree on right.
  20. Minolta XG-M, 100 - 300mm f5.6 MD @ f11, Auto, Tripod. Superia 400
  21. Minolta XG-M, 28mm f2.8 @ f22, 1/4 sec.
  22. Minolta XG-M, MD 50mm f1.4 @f8.0 Auto, Tripod.
  23. Minolta XG-M, MD 100mm f4 (@f32) . Fuji NPS, polarizer, Auto. Tripod. Overcast.
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