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Everything posted by LenMarriott

  1. Tree face? Naw, THIS is a tree face! :-) Kidding aside this would give any hiker reason to pause & wonder. Kind of spooky if the light was dim. I like the moss on the left tree. Likely a humid environment. Come to think of it the moss on the face tree kind of looks like hair. Another candidate for the 'Outings' album. Best, LM.
  2. LenMarriott

    Jaribu storks in nest

    Who, armed with a camera, wouldn't stop to record this great find? Nice reward for keeping your eyes open. Could be a challenge to print with the light body and black head, but in the end likely worth the effort. Best, LM.
  3. I'm with Mike on this shot. Gos right into my 'Favourites' folder. If it's not perfect it's beyond my critique abilities to find an area for improvement.  Framing is excellent, exposure spot-on, sharpness is also excellent due to your accurate focusing and chosen high shutter speed.  I mean, for me at least, it couldn't get any better.  Even the bird's head is turned as though to present it's best side just for the camera, beak open for additional action. (or, "OK, take the picture already!)  :-)  The spread of it's wings and tail feathers perfectly reveal all their beautiful shapes, markings, and textures.  Man, at my house, this would quickly go on the wall, in the largest print I could get away with.  Blow my own horn?  You betcha!  Take a bow Steve.  Best, LM.
  4. Yah, I saw that. I was just saying, had I not known it was a yellow filter, I would have guessed orange or red from the darkness of the sky. Yellow worked well here. Best, LM.
  5. This is the type of photo result we all aspired to back in the 50's, 60's and even later.  Come to think of it, it would satisfy most from an outing today.  A classic B&W, medium format, high quality print.  I've never printed to 20 x20.  I think 16 x 20 was the largest I ever printed in B&W & that was during a rare time when I had access to a darkroom that could accommodate that larger size.  Great sky.  I would have guessed an orange or red filter.  You got great mileage from the yellow.   Best, LM.
  6. Perhaps he thinks his friend's reaction is a little over the top.  :-)  Thanks for your observation.  Best, LM.
  7. It's a fact, he's very 'into' the game.  Yes, the other kid: Perhaps not clear on the concept yet.  :-)  Or, perhaps caught up in some hero worship of his overly exuberant teammate.  Thanks for your observations.  Best, LM.
  8. LenMarriott


    From this angle even shallow DOF from a wide  opening on your macro lens is sufficient to capture all the details in the butterfly.  The out of focus blobs of light from the other blooms supply the context.  The soft even light source is a plus also.   Nice printable reward for your efforts.  Best, LM.
  9. Yes,  a couple of my grandchildren are involved.  FIFA stay tuned!  :-)  As for the girls, of which there are a quite a few on the teams, they were out there scoring the goals.  How's that for gender equality?  (superiority?) Thanks for your interest.  Best, LM.
  10. Judging from the camel caricature this entrance offers the possibility of fun time.  However, the artsy script on the door could be a disclaimer. :-)  "Enter at your own risk!" Best, LM.
  11. My reaction was the same as yours. I was smiling as I put these images together. In this case (local youth league) the orange shirt simply means the Wasaga Beach team. I don't think he's ready for the Netherlands team yet. Stay tuned though! :-) I may have read the book also but have no recollection of it's details. Google says it's about Michelangelo but perhaps only the title resonates with me. Seemed to readily fit the two shots I had of my #2 grandson. Thanks for your support on this one. Best, LM.
  12. Good to get your take on this one. Here is the same kid four years ago who still loves playing but takes it more seriously now. :-) Best, LM.
  13. Nikon D5100, 1\800 @ f7.1, ISO 720, 55-200 kit lens @ 200mm. Hand held. LM.
  14. LenMarriott

    Dancing around the Sun

    It would appear that you have many 'keepers' from that evening's shoot. I like the way you've cropped this one with only a sliver of beach, the line of surf, & position of the sun. The birds do a great job of breaking up the mass of sky area at the top. It would be tough for me to pick a favourite among the many shots you took that evening. This one would surely be on the short list. Looking forward to any new work. (or even a trip through your past work) Best, LM.
  15. Patience paid off this time.  This was in the last 10 min. of a 2 hr. outing & one of only four frames worth keeping.  Like he took pity on me & put on a command performance. We're now best friends.  :-)  Best, LM.
  16. Thanks for your visit & validation.  Best, LM.
  17. LenMarriott

    Horned Owl Demo

    I was panning with the owl using a moderate shutter speed.  Thus the slight blur of everything else.  Still, enough detail remains to see the expressions on the faces.  Fun day!  Thanks for your thoughts.  LM.
  18. LenMarriott

    Afternoon View

    When on a vacation one is at the mercy of the conditions presented at the time one is there. I think you lucked out with interesting cloud patterns filling the sky area and side lighting which give shape and textures to the canyon walls. Definitely a keeper for the family album. Best, LM.
  19. LenMarriott

    Canada Goose Family

    It helps to be in the right place at the right time. :-) Always good to hear from you. Best, LM.
  20. To me he looks like he is assessing his chances of getting away after beating up the old guy & perhaps taking his camera. :-(  Either that or he is unaware that he is in the frame and simply wondering what you could possibly be taking a shot of.  As an aside:  The intent conveyed by text (no body language visible) on the internet is easily misunderstood by the receiving party, especially when location and local customs and the use of second languages are factored in.  I found this out in spades years ago when I wrote something I thought could be hilarious only to have my intent misunderstood & made the receiving party indignant as he thought I was questioning his manhood or something.  Didn't mean to start WWIII.  One of the rules of defensive driving could also be applied to street photography: Always leave yourself an out!  :-)  Best, LM.
  21. My favourite of your shots of lighthouses in this folder mainly because I feel the bright orb of the sun in the other ones competes too heavily with the main subject. Good use of the foreground elements which leave the water obvious but breaks up it's overpowering mass. Nice highlight on the lighthouse, no accident I'll bet. Where are you going this year? Best, LM.
  22. INCOMING! (hate mail from nature lovers) Keep your head down Meir! :-) Always good to hear from you. Best, LM.
  23. Thanks for your visit & your thoughts. See above for answer to Ruud. :-) Best, LM.
  24. Beauty and lighting provided by Mother Nature. Details thanks to Nikon camera & glass. I'll take credit for the patience. (was on site about 2 hrs) :-) Thanks for your kind appraisal. LM.
  25. He was singing for me Mike! "Don't go. Here, take my picture & I'll pose for you and sing you a song." There's a reason they are called Song Sparrows. :-) So I stayed & took many shots. I'll only save about five. He was most co-operative, seemed unspooked by my close proximity (about 12 ft.) 'Twas fun. Thanks for your visit & comment. Best, LM.
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