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Everything posted by LenMarriott

  1. Nikon D5100, 55-200mm @ 200mm, 1\1600 @ f5.6, ISO 900,hand held. LM.
  2. The extended tongue was what differentiated this one from a few others in the series & is the reason I chose this one for posting. You know they're angry when you get this, especially in combination with the extended neck. Next step is a beating around the ears with those big wings. And the beak, don't forget the beak. :-) Thanks for taking the time. Best, LM.
  3. Love the graphic element here and this one of your series in particular for the eye popping yellow car. One time the high contrast lighting of the mid day sun is an asset. Wouldn't have been as effective on an overcast day. Good camera position also. Allows the vanishing point to be off center. Best, LM.
  4. <p>Mark, Try clicking on 'Gallery' at top of your screen & then <Browse Gallery>. Perhaps that will do what you want. Best, LM.</p>
  5. <Julie Andrews> "......♪♫ Feed the birds, tuppence a bag ♪♫..........." Fun until they poo on your shoulder on their way out. :-) Nice capture and quite effective in your toned B&W instead of full colour. Best, LM.
  6. For me, the pay off for a walk along a nature path. An incentive to chase more successes and, as a side benefit, perhaps lose some excess pounds in the process. :-) It was a double win as I do not recall ever having seen this species of bird before. Thanks for taking the time to view & comment. It's a major reason I post here. Best, LM.
  7. LenMarriott

    It Hurts

    For this reason I must respectfully disagree with Martin: The guy on the right seems to be the more aggressive of the two and, judging from this clip only, my money would be on him. The guy on the left seems to be at a disadvantage, punching while retreating, & is properly shown as being on his way out anyway, so your framing, accident or not, validates this opinion. But we all know that the success of one battle does not predict the outcome of the war. On closer inspection the guy on the right appears to have just taken one on the old melon. (note the closed eyes) So, who won? Best, LM.
  8. <p>Mark, Simply click on your name above. I see a dolphin when I do this. Welcome to PN. Best, LM.</p>
  9. Goldfinch variety perhaps? But I like your description better. Lemon drop! Love the natural setting. Many photographers seem to be happy recording these birds at a bird feeder but you've done them one better. And in the rain to boot. Kudos for your patience. And, yes, they are a bit skittish. Survival instinct is my guess. Best, LM.
  10. Your constructive comment\critique will be gratefully received. LM.
  11. LenMarriott


    I like the arrangement and the contrasting colours here. Terrible things currently going on in your country. Keep your head down Museeb. Best wishes. LM.
  12. I had never seen one before either. Thought at first it might have been an Oriole or midget Red Winged Blackbird. (can you tell I'm new to 'birding'?) I was strolling along the nature path, camera in one hand, salt shaker in the other (Mom always told me if I wanted to catch a bird I had to shake salt on it's tail) and decided to take photos first. That spooked the bird & left me with a useless salt shaker. Next time I'll reverse the procedure. Apparently these birds range over most of North America so although you've never seen one they may well be in your neighborhood. Thanks for the visit. Best, LM.
  13. I did indeed kind of sneak up him. I was on a nature path by the river and heard him first. He was only about 15 ft. away. Armed with my 55-200 mounted on a D5100 I proceeded to take a few shots. (had the camera set for continuous firing). Got half a dozen shots before he took off, this one being my favourite for the action of singing portrayed. Thanks for your visit & comment. Best, LM.
  14. Nikon D5100, 55-200mm @ 200mm, hand held, 1\200 @ f11, ISO 220, LM.
  15. Good one. Very nicely exposed, largely due, I think, to the low position of the sun in the frame. Well composed too. I'm happy that winter is now behind us. Brutal! Good luck with your projects. See you when you get back to a more normal routine. Best, LM.
  16. What's an old guy like you doing, getting up before the sun does? Whatever, nice reward for your efforts. I like the warm\cool colour contrast. One of the advantages of living near the water. Best, LM.
  17. You are right. Not exactly road rage here! The anger here is paternal or maternal, for the protection of their young. If this is the only time they get angry I doubt they would be considered candidates for your class. :-) Thanks for taking the time. Best, LM.
  18. LenMarriott

    Mouse? What mouse?

    Thanks for taking time from your day to comment on this offering. All that's missing from this 'mouse sandwich' is the bread & butter! :-) It's a life lesson that my 8 year old grandson (the whole reason for the trip to the Wye Marsh) is not likely to forget soon. Best, LM.
  19. LenMarriott


    Electric bike! Up hill, down hill, what does she care? In truth, the buildings in the background tell a different tale . The road is actually level. :-) Hmmm, I might be interested in that model Schwinn myself. Best, LM.
  20. LenMarriott

    Semi Abstract...

    Sure. To avoid unintended tension. In most cases I prefer to have room ahead, in the direction of travel, not behind. I also like centered subjects that are moving directly toward or away from the camera. But that's just me. Others' artistic leanings may dictate otherwise. Hard & fast 'rules' are a trap best avoided. Thanks for encouraging me to think about that. Best, LM.
  21. LenMarriott

    Semi Abstract...

    My pick of your three most recent posts notwithstanding your POW. (another congratulations on that one) I love the sense of motion here and the fact you can still recognize your subject as being human. The contrasting warm\cool colours also make this one a stand out. I'm not sure of your artistic intent but had this been my presentation I think, rightly or wrongly, I would have cropped out part of the RHS to place the subject off-center and thereby having her running into the scene rather than out of it. One advantage of 'loose' compositions is that they give you many crop (or no crop) options, especially with these newer high megapixel cameras. The downside of course is that they could also encourage sloppy compositions. This one could also have been appropriately titled simply "Run" Looking forward to more of your newer works. Best, LM.
  22. LenMarriott

    Canada Goose Family

    Right place, right time! This is the best, I believe, of a short series I took of this family. Sometimes you see an event unfolding and if you are prepared to capture it your reward is a treat. Thanks for your thoughts. Best, LM,
  23. <p>Jared, I lost the battery holder for my SQ Ai a few years ago. The good people at <a href="http://www.tamron-usa.com/contact/">Tamron USA</a> were able to provide me with a replacement. I believe they are the only ones who have any Bronica parts now. You might want to check them out. Good luck. Best, LM.</p>
  24. LenMarriott


    Looks like one of those fancy lattes or cappuccinos but I do agree with Chuck Turner : the eyes and the teeth kind of creep me out! :-) No disrespect for your artistic talents intended. Best, LM.
  25. LenMarriott

    Canada Goose Family

    Nikon D5100, 55-200mm @ 160mm, 1\500 @ f11, ISO 400, VR, hand held. LM.
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