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Everything posted by peter_fowler

  1. ^ Great pic , but what is it and where is it ? Peter
  2. Here in Vancouver I simply tell them how many stops over (or under) I exposed at and they typically did a good job of getting what they could from the negatives . (ABC Photo). Peter
  3. No story necessary , I got off my butt and checked it out , pretty awful story . Peter
  4. ^^ Those photos look like a war ravaged zone , yet all the electrical wires are fine ! Possibly a little story of the place . Peter
  5. Important photos are on 8X10 transparencies :) . Pity I can only use and afford 4x5 Provia . Peter
  6. ^^^ Ricochetrider , love that picture of the old Honda dream !
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb here and mention I'm glad I never took up farming :) ! Peter
  8. ^^ Nice looking road to ride :) . Peter
  9. ^ I'm curious which model of Bronica this ? Peter
  10. I've had the good fortune to be able to borrow a 40mm and 250mm lens for my Kowa Six . So off I went on my bike for a trip through the mountains in western B.C to try them out . The field of views were an example of extremes , both pictures taken from the same place . I was sure before starting this trip that I'd end up NEEDING both of them :) . It was a struggle to use a single roll of Delta 100 ! For the life of me , I couldn't ( or can't) take advantage of either of those focal lengths . More film is where the money not spent will probably go .That's my rant for the day . Peter
  11. That makes my Etrs look absolutely lilliputian ;) . Peter
  12. Certainly was a common enough problem with me too , however I started cleaning the reels in a soapy water bath and used a toothbrush on the balls as well as the grooves and it almost never happens anymore . That's when I feel wealthy and don't mind using the extra 100cc of developing fluid in the Patterson tanks ( it's my Scottish heritage coming out :) ) . Peter
  13. It's really not that hard (for me) , others have had other experiences :). Just try it with a roll you have already developed . Numerous ways to skin a cat , so to speak . Peter
  14. ^^^^^ You mean I've just been lucky for the last 26 rolls ? :) , Peter
  15. Man , I gotta tell you folk that actually use the clip in SS film reels , you have my admiration :) . I just push the film through from the outside until it's all in the reel . It's waaayyy easier ( for me , of course ) , and YMMV , Peter
  16. ^ Great observation "Joe" :) . Is that plate you mention with the 2 screws actually adjustable ? My experiences with the 2 damaged ones I got had such mangled teeth that an adjustment wasn't even considered , nice to learn something new every day . So do you believe there's a possibility he could adjust that plate for a better engagement of the pawl tooth ? Peter
  17. A possibility , but you may have to bend it yourself ( not that hard if you find the wire gauge you need). It might be worth contacting "Ross Yerkes" in California , he may have or offer a repair for that part . Peter Or do you know a welder that works with small stuff .
  18. Mine was so completely screwed up that the small tab was actually bending away . I can't say if yours is all that bad or not . Is it possible for you to try and turn that gear by hand to see if you can complete the lens cocking operation , Peter
  19. The first picture shows the small drive gear that is driven by the winding crank . The second shows the pawl that engages with that gear and then drives the shutter and film advance . The pawl I repaired by brazing a carbide tooth from a circular saw blade and then winding a spring to fit (was a bit too much heat for the little thing) ! Should you take that plate ( held by the 3 screws ) off , check that the spring is in fact there and working . Hope this gives you a bit more to play with . Peter
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